Tuesday 1 November 2016

Asia Bibi: Judge Steps Down and Case Adjourned

We shared here concerning Asia Bibi and the case against her in Pakistani Court. This woman is condemned to death for concocted blasphemy and has been waiting for her final appeal for some time now.

The appeal was supposed to come up this month of October but the leading Supreme Court judge suddenly stepped down from the case on the grounds that he had been a judge in the trial of Mumtaz Qadri. (Mumtaz was previously convicted and condemned to death for murdering Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, who had opposed the country's blasphemy laws.). Obviously he is afraid for his life.

From Voice of Martyrs, Please pray that God's strength and peace will sustain Asia, her family and those representing her (Philippians 4:7), while also keeping them safe from any assault or threat against their lives. Ask Him to grant wisdom, courage and protection to the members of the Pakistani government, as well as the Supreme Court judges who will be hearing Asia's appeal. May they not be intimidated by the militants but rather encouraged to act justly and extend mercy. Through it all, may Asia's case be used to highlight the injustice of Pakistan's blasphemy laws and to testify of her steadfast Christian faith to many around the world.

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