Showing posts with label born again. Show all posts
Showing posts with label born again. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

The NEW BIRTH by Chris Ekwedam. pdf for Free Download.

 Is it possible to preach on "born again" without even mentioning the word "born again" and yet the message of new birth is communicated and lives are transformed?  Is it possible to  jump up and down, shout "born again", use the word "born again" most frequently in our preaching, yet without  communicating what "born again" really means and lives are not transformed? YES.

Download my book on the NEW BIRTH here where I made a case for "born again" as a prerequisite for sonship. No matter what your view may be now, you will not regret you read it.

Remain blessed.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Believed but too late!

Believed but too late!
"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' "'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'" Luke 16:27-31 NIV

That was a discussion between the rich man that dressed in purple and lived in luxury while he was alive and father Abraham. The man was speaking from hell while Abraham was answering him from the abode of the saints. You can read the whole story from Luke 16: 19-end.

Most likely, when the man was on earth, he had no time for spiritual things. He did not have time for God. He just carried on in life as if he would live forever here on earth. But life on earth is not permanent. We are all passers-by, strangers and sojourners who start the journey towards our death the first day we are born.

There are two major events in our lives that draw people around us, if we are privileged, without our awareness – our birth and our death. As many of us as are reading this piece right now are waiting for the next big event that will gather people around us, our death which we have no control over. For our entrance, our birth, we had no preparation for it but for our exit, our death, we have to prepare for it. When a man gets so distracted by the fashions of this world that he forgets that he is a pilgrim here and begins to live like a land owner, he is the most deceived and the most to be pitied. That was the kind of life the rich man in our passage lived.

One truth is clear from this story of Jesus: the soul of man does not die when the body dies. We continue to live even after we are buried here on earth. Whether we are rich or poor does not affect the fact that we will all be conscious after death. Notice that Lazarus’s burial or funeral was not mentioned but the rich man was buried. That is why it does not matter the “chariot of your departure”. It does not matter the way we die or whether a superb funeral is organized after we are gone. It does not matter how many priests and pastors that attend our burial. Notice also that the rich man was still full of his feelings. He was hurting, thirsty and tormented in the flames of hell. Death is not total extermination of our conscious being.

A few questions keep coming to my mind, how is it that someone who is a child of Abraham can go to hell? How is it that even in hell, he was still calling Abraham, “father Abraham” and neither Abraham nor God could rebuke him for doing so? It means that he was not lying. But why is it that he is spending his eternity in hell, lost forever? He wasted his opportunities and the privileges he had. He lived as a child of Abraham by birth and association but did not serve the God of Abraham. Hence even by his addressing Abraham as ‘father’ did not bring him out of hell. For generations to come, he will remain in hell forever in regret for missing the salvation of God.

This picture tells me that there are many in hell today who will be calling on God to save them. There are many in hell today who will be receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior numerous times. It tells me that there are many people in hell today who are crying and praying prayer of repentance. The issue is that nobody will stop them from praying but surely no such prayers will be answered.

It’s amazing to see this man that could not give Lazarus little crumbs from his sumptuous table asking for a drop of water. He remembered all the messages preached to him by teachers of the Law and suddenly developed a heart of compassion for his equally lost brothers. He became an intercessor immediately and was asking that a preacher be sent from the dead to warn his brothers. "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' … 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'" Luke 16:29-31 NIV. It means that if they do not listen to the Gospel that is preached all around them, they will not listen even if something spectacular happens, like the dead coming back to life to preach.

One life to live! We have the opportunity to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him. The time to make decision for eternity is in this life and not hereafter. There is no purgatory or a go-between life and your eternal destination. It is possible that there are some in hell right now who are praying for you not to come there, probably thinking that if you go to heaven, you will help out. Many will believe in Jesus only when they have entered hell but they will have believed too late. Please as we come close to the end of this Year, make sure you take the right decision. Do not join the statistics. Do not waste your opportunities and privileges. God bless!

Monday, 4 January 2010

New Book: The New Birth

Download now

This is a book I just finished putting a final touch to it and it is up for free download. I only request that if you use it on a website, please link back to this site. If you want to print it anywhere for distribution, please write me for permission.

"Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, who came to him in the night, that he must be born a second time. The Jewish leader was confused, just as many are still confused today. He began to ask questions trying to understand the meaning of being born again after the first natural birth. What made it a very serious matter was because the Lord Jesus gave it as the only condition for both seeing and entering the kingdom of God. If you are not born a second time, you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God."

What happens when we receive the New Birth?
We are made alive
All our sins are forgiven
We have salvation and assurance of eternal life
We have Victory over our old sinful lifestyle.
Joy and peace of God
Members of God’s family
We have safety from the attacks of Satan and his followers

"There are two types of decisions – positive and negative decisions. There are no middle lines. Procrastination means that you are still in your sinful condition and not yet ready to get born again. You can either accept the new life that Jesus Christ offers to you free of charge now or you reject it. Each of the decisions has its implications and consequences. God loves you and wants you to choose life and live. We live with the choices we make in life. This choice however is for eternity and you cannot have the opportunity to change it once you die."

Download now

Monday, 4 August 2008

Son of top Hamas leader converts to Christianity

God is doing great things these days. This testimony yet again confirms the authenticity of the gospel which we preach.
For every souls that is transformed by the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus, the further it is confirmed the efficacy of the Word of God to change lives.
The son of a Hamas leader gives his life to Christ, calls his father and family to receive Jesus.
By Aaron Klein

Son of top Hamas leader converts to Christianity
'I hope my father and family open their eyes to Jesus and the Kingdom of God'
Posted: July 31, 2008
1:35 pm Eastern

JERUSALEM – The son of one of the most popular leaders in the Hamas terrorist organization has moved to the U.S. and converted to Christianity, it has emerged.

In an exclusive interview with Israel's Haaretz newspaper, Masab Yousuf, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef, slammed Hamas, praised Israel and said he hoped his terrorist father will open his eyes to Jesus and to Christianity.

"I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God," Masab said.

Read it all here