Showing posts with label ACC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACC. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9
When we speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, we are obeying the Scriptures. Now flip it. When we refuse to speak up for those who have no voice, unknowingly to us, we spread, aid and abet injustice. I have argued many times that our emphasis and focus should not first be HOW a matter is presented or WHO presented it. Our question should always be first, WHAT is he/she saying? The other matters can be resolved later without missing the point being made. By first asking the question of WHAT, we treat the information we are receiving by their own merit and logic. We see better through the logic of the argument being presented and not through our bias and prejudices. By focusing on WHO and HOW when issues are raised, our attention is often distracted and we fail to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Decide today to speak up for the speechless, the weak, the vulnerable in any arena where you find yourself. These include: the unborn child in the womb, the persecuted, the victimized, the oppressed, somebody absent where his matter is being decided, the less privileged etc etc. God will strengthen us, help us to live above our fears and prejudices as we obey this all important instruction that helps to build a decent society where justice and righteousness flow like a stream in the streets. God bless.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Final Resolution on the Anglican Communion Covenant

The ACC:

• thanks the Covenant Design Group for their faithfulness and respons­iveness in producing the drafts for an Anglican Communion Covenant and, in particular, for the Ridley Cambridge Draft submitted to this meeting;

• recognises that an Anglican Communion Covenant may provide an effective means to strengthen and promote our common life as a Communion;

• asks the Archbishop of Canter­bury, in consultation with the Secre­tary General, to appoint a small work­ing group to consider and consult with the Provinces on section 4 and its possible revision, and to report to the next meeting of the Joint Standing Committee;

• asks the JSC, at that meeting, to approve a final form of section 4;

• asks the Secretary General to send the revised Ridley Cambridge text, at that time, only to the member Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council for consideration and decision on acceptance or adoption by them as the Anglican Communion Covenant;

• asks those member Churches to report to ACC-15 on the progress made in the processes of response to, and acceptance or adoption of, the Covenant.

This is real confusion. Just like one commenter at said:

"We can take heart that in MANY places around the globe there are VERY DEAR brothers and sisters in Christ who are focused, that is GOSPEL FOCUSED, and going about the Masters business pointing people to the
Saviour of the world, in accordance to the Great commission.
Sadly there are others who are navel gazing big time while in the area
where they could be reaching a harvest 'of souls'there are men and women dying in there sin.
We need to be going to the scriptures DAILY with an open mind seeking to
WALK in obedience to the Masters leading."

The church must march on and the gates of hell will not rpevail against it.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Apostacy and Deception

"We cannot afford to pin our hopes on ecclesiastical structures or even on individual leaders. The hope for a vibrant, robust, faithful Anglican witness to the gospel of Christ in this century rests in God and his work to bring about genuine repentance and faith in the lives of men and women."

This is a wonderful write up on the Anglican Consultative Council ging on in Jamaica currently. The earlier we begin to put our trust in God instead of men (even men of God) the better for us. See more here.