Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

3 Reasons why you need Jesus

You may have tried a lot of things in this your life an all failed. You may have even tried to find meaning in life because of the things that have befallen you of late. I just want to share with you the three reasons why you need the Lord Jesus Christ. Remain blessed!

3 Reasons why you need Jesus
1. Because you have a past:
You can't go back to your yesterday but He can. Heb.13:8. He can walk into those places of sin and failures, wipe the slate of your life clear and give you a new beginning.
2. Because you need a friend:
Jesus knows the worst about you, yet He believes the best for you. Why? Because He sees you not as you are, but s you will be when He gets through with you. What a friend!
3. Because He holds the future:
Who else are you going to trust? In His hands you are safe and secure today, tomorrow and for eternity. (Jer.29:11-13 TLB)
I wish that you receive Jesus and you do it today!