Showing posts with label Islamic Persecutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Persecutions. Show all posts

Friday, 26 February 2016

Shafqat and his wife Shagufta sentenced to death for trumped up charges of blasphemy

Shafqat and his wife Shagufta, the parents of four children, were Rescue Christians, The couple lost their phone a few months before and reported the incident to the Police. Later the stolen phone was used by unknown persons to send texts which the authority considers blasphemous.
sentenced to death for sending "blasphemous text messages". according to Keith Davies of

Shafqat and his wife Shagufta are from the city of Gojra, Punjab, in eastern Pakistan. Even though there was no sufficient evidence in support of the charge, the prosecutor and the judge were pressured to render them guilty of sending the "blasphemous text messages" for fear that they themselves might be killed. Shafqat is crippled and their children also are threatened.

Please pray for this couple's release. Pray for their children for protection. Also pray that inspite of all these threats that the Gospel may continue to move mightily in Pakistan and all the Islamic nations.

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." Hab.2:14.

Watch the video here.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Christian Mother of Eight Is Slain

Persecution of Christians is on the increase. What breaks my heart is that as these things are happening, many of church leaders are busy pursuing their selfish interests. The righteous is taken and no one pays attention.

A mother of 8 is killed because her husband converted from Islam to Christianity. Let's continue to pray for her husband who is already marked.

 From Morning Star News:

Muslims in eastern Uganda angry at a Christian for leaving Islam killed his wife on Monday (Oct. 19), a month after his brother was killed for the same reason, sources said.
Mamwikomba Mwanika, mother of three adult children and five others ranging in age from 17 to 9, died en route to a hospital after Muslims unknown to her dragged her from her home at about 9 p.m. and assaulted her, survivors said.

Mwanika answered a knock at her door in Kalampete village, Kibuku District, to find strangers asking for her husband. Her husband’s brother, Samson Nfunyeku, was killed in the village on Sept. 23 after flaring tempers cut short a religious debate he’d had with Islamic scholars.

Mwanika replied to the visitors that her husband was away, according to her children. They said one of the men at the door then told her, “Your husband has followed the religion of his brother, and we had warned you people to stop these activities, but our message has landed on deaf ears.”
The Muslims threatened to kill her if she failed to produce her husband, the children said.

“The attackers dragged our mother outside the house as she screamed and cried for help,” said her 13-year-old child.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Church Leader Severely Burned in Acid Attack

All over the world, there is a rise in the persecution of Christians. Many are kidnapped, tortured, sent to prison, molested and even killed.The case of Rev. Anselm Mwang'amba, 61, comes to mind as this is more recent. He was attached with acid after leaving a cyber cafe in Zanzibar, where a muslim group is campaigning for Zanzibar's independence as an Islamic state. This is a common agitation all over the world.

Do you still remember Bishop Umar Mulinde of Uganda who I shared about his own acid attack here? It seems to be a new tactic for those who hate Jesus and His gospel.

Please just continue to pray for the persecuted church. God bless.

May the Lord completely heal both the physical and emotional wounds Rev. Mwang'amba has experienced as a result of the attack (Psalm 30:2). Pray that the church in Tanzania will not be fearful due to this incident and other similar attacks, but rather would choose to lean even more on our Almighty God who has promised His people strength in times of trouble. Ask Him to thwart any plans the enemy may have to inflict further harm on these believers through the militant group. Source: VOM.

For more, go here.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Global Rise in Christian Persecutions in the coming days.

 “Every five minutes a Christian dies for his faith.” That was a statement made by Massimo Introvigne, the Commissioner for Religious Freedom of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as reported Canada Free Press.

These are not easy days especially for those Christians who live side by side with Muslims as neighbours. These are perilous times. 

As we approach the close of this age, there is going to be a tremendous increase in the persecution of Christians worldwide. What we are seeing is only the beginning of 'birth pangs'. Many may think it is going to be limited to the lands where Muslims are dominant. No! It will equally take place in the so called developed countries. It is not dependent on how wise we are, it is dependent on what the Word of God says.

If you look at the events that led to the Holocaust, part of the sentiment was that the Jews were responsible for the economic woes of Germany and the Great Depression and that the Jews plan to dominate the world as recorded in a fraudulent book called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" There was widespread antisemitism all over Germany and greater part of Europe. Hitler exploited this when he came to power in 1933 and began to implement his plans which he outlined in Mein Kampf published in 1924. When he began the massive extermination of the Jewish population, much of the populace did not see it as an issue, even Christians. The best many did was to be indifferent. Today, we live with the history of one of the worst genocides ever committed against a people group - the Holocaust. 

Why do I draw this historical lesson? There is a growing sentiment against Christians all over the world and the drum is being beaten very loudly by the media. It is as if Christians are the cause of the problems and violence perpetrated all over the globe. In Communist countries, they are seen as spies who cooperate with 'foreign elements' to undermine the powers of the state. In the Islamic countries, they are not just seen as spies but also they are seen as 'infidels' who should be subjugated or killed before they corrupt the 'holy' Muslims. All the recent persecutions, killings  and sufferings of Christians all over the world attest to this. In the Western countries, Christians are seen as the only obstacles against for example legalized abortion, homosexuality and 'freedom' which at best can be described as license to live in sin. Starting from the media to the movie industries, from Civil Rights to the Academia, there seems to be a commitment to destroy Judeo-Christian culture and principles. The world do not want to have defined absolutes. Very soon, Christians will begin to go to jail for some evangelism activities in these countries. It is as if the world will know peace if only Christians will keep silence and stop insisting that Jesus Christ if the only Way to God. Life will become difficult for committed Christians in the coming days. There are many situations that will lead to all these, both circumstantial and planned. It is already happening like Massimo's comment shows above. 

Never assume "it will never get to me". Get involved now in the ministry towards the persecuted. Train yourself now in holy and righteous living. Take the tough decisions now to please God in all that you do. 

The challenge is, is your faith strong enough to carry you  through evil days and to the end? Is your anchor strong on Christ alone? It is true that many churches prepare and motivate their members on how to become rich and wealthy; I wonder how many equally prepare them on how to stand strong in the days of trials and turmoil that are about to come? The Bible is correct when it says, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" 2 Tim 3:12. NIV. Better be prepared now and make sure you are standing on the Solid Rock.

Remain rapturable!