Affliction, The Sanctifier’s Crucible is a book written by Mark Nemieboka and published by the Scripture Union (Nig.) Press & Books Limited Ibadan, Nigeria in 2021.
This blog is an attempt to gather people of like minds to study the Word of God - The Bible. We will dedicate ourselves to Research, Bible Study, Reports, Sharing Prayer Issues and Answering Questions from people from around the world. Troubled souls can equally receive counsel.
Affliction, The Sanctifier’s Crucible is a book written by Mark Nemieboka and published by the Scripture Union (Nig.) Press & Books Limited Ibadan, Nigeria in 2021.
It was quite a great coincidence for the Independence Day, October 1st, to fall on a Sunday this year, 2023. It offered many churches the opportunity to pray and declare many good things for and over Nigeria. I was in church and participated. But that was where my heart was stirred up to write this piece. A question kept disturbing my heart throughout the session, “is a nation built by these declarations or by doing what is right?”
I think that the answer is that a nation is built by doing
what is right by the leaders and the people and not by declaring what we think
is good to happen. Declaring what is good to happen does not make those good
things to happen, no matter how loud we make shout. Good things are not
somewhere hanging in the air. Good deeds are done by men. They are actions that
are seen, actions that impact and actions that have consequences.
Doing what is right is like applying principles. Principles
don’t look at the faces of those applying them. When they are applied, the
results follow.
The nation of Israel was not built by the declarations done
by the high priest on the days of their annual convocations. A nation is built
by human beings that decide to do what is right and just. It is possible for a
priest to conclude his declarations and yet go home to do violence to the “wife
of his youth”. This was one of the offences God accused them of in Mal.2:13-17.
In fact, God’s complain in verse 17 is that they have wearied Him with their
words but the people asked, “how?” Look at God’s answer, “By saying, "All
who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord, and he is pleased with them"
or "Where is the God of justice?" Mal 2:17 NIV. The people have
become so corrupt that they are saying that those who do evil are good in the
eyes of the Lord. The priests and leaders say that even God is pleased with them.
Yet because of their experiences, they are also asking “where is the God of
justice?”. What an irony! Does the picture look like Nigeria?
When we call evil good because of ethnic bias; when we
support evil people and clean them up with spurious reasons because of gains,
whatever it may be; when we keep silence and shy away from speaking out against
evil because we don’t want to offend someone in power even though he or she is
an evil man; when we as church leaders are perpetrating evil even within the
church hierarchy against our subordinates, sabotaging the system to favour our
ego and hold on power, enriching ourselves and loyal associates to ensure we
live the good life even at the expense of the poor both within and around the
church, dishonoring the marriage bed and living as settlers on this earth; when
the wickedness some politicians do does not concern us as long as we parley and
have access to their generosity whenever we want; when we participate in the corruption
in our offices and market places because we think, “am I the person that will
correct Nigeria?”; yet we look at how the country has become like a laughing
stock in the comity of nations with the increase in the sufferings of the
masses almost on a daily basis and you still ask “where is the God of justice?”,
are we being truthful to ourselves? We shout and declare these good things, feel
good in ourselves and yet we leave the gathering to go back to our corrupt lifestyles,
do we think that that is the way a nation is built?
Righteousness builds a nation. Doing right is the only thing
that will bring a change to our nation. Every nation that applies the right
policies sincerely, does the right things for the benefit of their people,
whether with religious declaration or not, will see results, no matter their religious
leaning. Principles are blind, they don’t have sentiments, emotions, or bias. They
are just there. Anybody can apply them and get results. So, while shouting and
declaring good things over the country may make us feel good and stir up
wonderful expectations, what will bring actual results is doing the right thing
wherever we are.
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Credits: NIV website |
He served Jesus till the end. Do you love Jesus?
Many stories when highlighted by the main stream media, sounds like just statistics until it hits close home.
Watch Leviticus ' documentary here:
May God help us to finish our course and finish strong whether in long or short life. All I want from Him when I see Him face to face is "well done"
Remain blessed 🙏
That this flood has caused humanitarian disaster in Nigeria is no longer news. Many people have lost their lives while for many, their lives have changed forever. I watched with tearful eyes as corpses were carried out from houses in Anambra West. Below are just some of the pictures from Ogbaru, Anambra State.
Flooded roads. Can one imagine the force of this flood? Credit: Izunna Okafor, Onitsha (The Nigerian Voice)What can be done by Christians and the churches as corporate bodies in Nigeria?
1. Prayers: This is a time every family altar must be burning prayer incense remembering these victims. Pray for God's intervention so that the flood will recede. Pray for miraculous deliverances for the families. May God grant them the resilience and providence to stand and survive this period. Comfort and fortitude for those who lost their loved ones. Pray that God will stir the hearts of the leaders to respond appropriately to these victims with all the necessary help they need.
2. Prayers: Please pray for the Federal Government to urgently complete the counterpart Dam in North East which when completed will help to accommodate this body water when released from Cameroun instead of being allowed to flow into River Benue to cause this kind of disaster.
3. Churches and religious NGOs must raise reliefs for these affected areas. Philanthropists and well meaning individuals can do well to synergize and help.
We have contacted the Admin Secretary of the Anglican Diocese of Ogbaru and he gave out his phone number for those that may want to contact him: The Reverend Peter Udenabor 08033309357 while online support can go directly to the Diocesan fund. Just tag your giving: Flood Relief Fund.
Download, share and enjoy.
Asking questions is very important and we must be prepare to give answers as Christians.
May this presentation both bless and challenge you. Our young people are asking questions but unfortunately, many of us are not ready to answer them. This attitude has to change if they are to be established in this holy faith. Time is running out. Remember, any question you don't give an answer to does not go away. Instead, someone else will answer it and you may not like their answer.
Download, share and enjoy.
I shared this with the Evangels Gospel Band of the New Covenant Anglican Church, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
I did not just deal with the sexuality of the Gospel Music Minister (GMM), I equally explored the Gospel Music Ministry and the Gospel Music Minister. I believe it will be a blessing to you and your music group.
You can Click and Download it here: The Gospel Music Minister and his Sexuality.
Is it possible to preach on "born again" without even mentioning the word "born again" and yet the message of new birth is communicated and lives are transformed? Is it possible to jump up and down, shout "born again", use the word "born again" most frequently in our preaching, yet without communicating what "born again" really means and lives are not transformed? YES.
Download my book on the NEW BIRTH here where I made a case for "born again" as a prerequisite for sonship. No matter what your view may be now, you will not regret you read it.
Remain blessed.