This blog is an attempt to gather people of like minds to study the Word of God - The Bible. We will dedicate ourselves to Research, Bible Study, Reports, Sharing Prayer Issues and Answering Questions from people from around the world. Troubled souls can equally receive counsel.
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
My Testimony - Deliverance from Unknown Gunmen at Orsumoghu - Azia Junction, Anambra State
Monday, 15 March 2021
The Danger of Self-Conceit
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." But he replied, "Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death." Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me." Luke 22:31-34.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility consider others better than yourselves.” Phil 2:3 NIV
Self-conceit is an exaggerated opinion of one’s own
qualities or abilities. It is an over-rated or inflated pride in oneself or
one’s appearance. Self-conceit is when you have over-confidence in yourself,
what you can do or what you have done. You do not put into consideration your
fallibility and vulnerabilities; you just feel you can and there is no reason
for fear or caution. It is a manifestation of complex and a deception someone may
feel secure in. Gal. 6:3-4 warns that “If anyone thinks he is something when he
is nothing, he deceives himself.” NIV. Self-conceit is a feeling, a thinking
and an opinion that is exaggerated, it may not be the reality but the person
bases his behavior on it. The passages we quoted above are filled with lessons
and instructions. Peter missed an opportunity
to ask for mercy and grace because he was self-conceited. What has his answer in
verse 33, expressing strength, got to do with the warning the Lord gave to him in verses 31-32? It is
only self-conceit that will make a man to hear warnings from the Lord of all
the earth, but only to ignore it believing that he has strength and can do “mighty
things” for God.
What makes us self-conceited?
The strength we think we have, whether perceived
or real can make us to be self-conceited. What we can do or what we have done.
Peter in our text above trusts in what he can do. It blinds us and hinders us
from depending and seeking for the help we need either from others or from the
The knowledge we think we have. Self-conceit
makes us unteachable because we think we know and have no need of learning.
There is this “I have arrived mentality” when we are self-conceited.
Our gifting, talents, special abilities,
possessions, and achievements can make us to be self-conceited. We may be
tempted to overrate ourselves, which makes us to foolishly cross some
common-sense boundaries which definitely will land us into trouble. As gifted
men and women, we need to continually submit our gifting to the Lord. When we
can pray, teach, or prophesy, the temptation is that after a long time of
practice, it is possible to leave the Lord behind while we continue the use of
the gifting. It just dawned on me that God has not asked me to trust on my
prayer life or the quantity of scriptures in my head, He has asked me to trust
Him. Prayer becomes empty and ritualistic when the Lord is absent and scriptural
passages without the Spirit only become letters that kill.
Good compliments and praises from people around
us can be deceptive and can make us to become self-conceited. Men’s praise can
make us forget from where God picked us up and our estimation of ourselves
becomes bogus, knowingly or unknowingly. Fame and popularity fade, time renders
both hollow.
Lastly, position of power and the privileges of
an office can make us to become self-conceited. We are often tempted to equate
an office to the person occupying the office, which is a lie. Positions of power
are transient. You can be in power today and out of power tomorrow. Every
position of power expires. King Saul overrated himself and got destroyed. In 1
Sam.13, Prophet Samuel delayed from coming to the camp in Gilgal. Saul felt he
could perform the same sacrifice like Samuel and asked them to bring him the
animals for offerings even when it was not in his office to do. Again, he came
back from a battle where obviously he didn’t do what God had asked him to do
and the first thing he did was to go and erect a monument for himself at Carmel
and moved on (Sam.15:12).
What is instructive is that the points listed above are not
bad in themselves but can get us corrupted except if we don’t walk wisely.
Why is self-conceit dangerous?
I will summarize the dangers of self-conceit with five
When we have an exaggerated opinion of ourselves, it
makes us to put up a “bold face”. We can cover things up because we do not want
others to know how weak we are. We can either give ourselves some reasons why
we ought to live the way we do or assume some level of familiarity and favour with
Self-conceit means that we are egoistic. We are
loud and want to always be heard and want to have our way. We always have
something to prove and show though we may be empty. It is all about impression.
Because the opinion is exaggerated, the image of the person so produced is like
a balloon which can easily be busted anytime.
Self-conceit is a complex, a lie and a deception
which makes it very dangerous. You cannot underestimate the level of low one
can descend when you are self-conceited. Someone who is vain and egoistic can
do terrible things. Because self-conceit is about false pride and bloated self-importance
and worth, the person will have this sense of importance and indispensability
which breeds impunity. It has produced tyrants, self-righteous men, traitors
and men you cannot trust when the chips are down. Haman in Esther is a case in
point here.
When we are self-conceited, we hurt people
around us and often find reasons for that. We may not care because we may feel
it is inevitable for us to hurt them. The world must revolve around us and we
must be the “celebrity” at the center of every conversation.
Finally, when we are self-conceited, sooner or
later, we will have a big fall. It can be a fall into sin or into some other serious
life’s troubles. Why? Because, the person will not listen or give heed to warnings
and warning signs; a near-miss is not a reason to reflect instead is an
opportunity to boast; the person will depend on exaggerated abilities and his or her strength instead of depending on the Lord; there is this sense of false
security, “I can handle it”, which will ensure the person continues to live dangerously
until destruction comes.
The poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley
tells it all on the outcome of vain glory:
"My name is Ozymandias, king
of kings;
Look on my works, ye mighty and
Nothing beside remains. Round the
Of that colossal wreck, boundless
and bare
The lone and level sands stretch
far away.”
The poem is believed to be about Pharaoh
Ramesses II who was once considered very powerful and even divine, however, his
once intimidating monument lies in ruins in an unoccupied and abandoned desert sand. How time renders
the glories of yesterday's men to nothing. Our glories today will become tomorrow's abandoned relics and nothing.
In this time of Lent, may we all seek the Lord in humility. May we inculcate His mind and be clothed with His life. When we humble ourselves, it is possible to avoid Peter’s fall.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Ravi Zacharias’ Scandal: My Lessons Learned
The final report released by the independent investigators concerning the accusations of sexual misconduct levelled against late Ravi Zacharias just came out on the 11th of February 2021 and the revelations are very disturbing and disappointing. Personally, I was heart-broken. When the news first came out in 2017 about how Ravi Zacharias groomed a woman named Lori Anna Thompson online, almost nobody believed the woman. The lame explanation given by Ravi Zacharias was swallowed hook line and sinker by the senior leadership of RZIM and by most of us who followed the ministry. I remember in April 2020 when Christianity Today wrote a tribute after his death and elaborated the accusation, I was among those that were not happy with the author and questioned the motive behind elaborating on an accusation which Ravi had denied and the couple have settled with him out of court. But with everything that has come out from this report, I was dead wrong. I really apologize for making negative comments concerning the writer’s efforts to dig out the truth. I now understand that keeping records, truthful records, is one of the duties of a faithful scribe.
In September 2020, Christianity Today ran a follow
up story on the confessions of three women who worked as Massage Therapists
or otherwise at a Spa co-owned by Ravi Zacharias. With the testimonies of these
women, I began to sense that something was seriously flawed in the narrative
given to us by Ravi and the Ministry Leadership. I eagerly awaited the result
of the investigations. However, all my hopes were shattered when the interim
report came out in December 2020 and suggested that valid evidence was
found confirming some of the accusations.
The final report details the testimonies of the victims, the methods
used by Ravi to gain the trust of his victims and eventually abuse them, and
the enabling toxic
environment within the RZIM ministry which ensured that Ravi was not
confronted with his sins, and dissenting voices who were asking difficult
questions were labelled and marginalized. He was found to be guilty of “Sexting,
unwanted touching, spiritual abuse and rape”. The RZIM Board has released an open apology
to all the affected victims and repented of their ineptitude in the whole
affairs and is taking several steps to right all the identified wrongs. Also,
they are praying to know which direction the ministry will take going forward
which may include changing the name of the ministry.
Now one may ask, why all the attention being paid to spilt milk?
Why not let the sleeping dog lie, especially since the accused is dead and is
not here to defend himself? The truth is that God does not work that way as
long as it has to do with His work. While I was meditating on the whole thing,
God, I believe, began to expound in my mind the importance of being faithful in keeping
records, the work of faithful scribes. It re-dawned on me that many of the biblical
writers were faithful scribes. If they picked and selected the stories they wrote about,
we would not have the Bible the way it is today. I learnt once again that
records matter even for the next generation. It is not about Ravi or any of the
journalists who are doing their jobs. It is about keeping truthful records. Christianity
Today has a statement on this. Ravi had the opportunity to respond when Lori
Anne Thomas accused him, and he denied all wrong doing, sued
the woman and the husband, accusing them of racketeering and extortion. He
played the victim while the woman was painted as the person with a criminal
intent. You can only be moved to tears when you listen to the woman’s testimony.
She lost almost everything because of the power and influence Ravi wielded
while alive. How else can these women be healed if not when the truth comes
out? Again, how else can the living learn if not when the truth of the whole
matter comes out?
There are also Christians who are hurting secretly because
of this scandal and the only way they can move forward is when all the
perspectives are made clear, especially by Christians who will give the whole
discourse a biblical approach. As I wrote in my tribute when he died in April 2020, I came in contact with Ravi’s messages at a
point in my life when I had crises of belief, even as a Christian leader. Apologetics
is not common in my part of the world. Biblical truths are declared but not
explained, hence those in troubles, especially lingering ones, never have the
opportunity of having explanations. It’s rare to see any church in Nigeria
having Q&A sessions to answer questions. When I listened to Ravi, God used
his teachings to resolve my confusions. I enrolled and did the Core Module
Course and have also downloaded and bought many of his books. I have quoted his
works in most of my researches and presentations and introduced many people
close to me to his works. One pastor friend, who got to know Ravi's works through me, called some days ago asking to
know the truth about what he was reading on the internet about Ravi. I think I
will be doing a disservice to them if I keep quiet as if nothing happened. I am
disappointed but not devastated because it’s been long God taught me not to put
my trust in any man, no matter how greatly the person has been used of God. God
has taught me that all the earthly power that we wield, whether spiritual or
political or otherwise, is transient and may not count to our advantage when we
stand before Him. The treasure is in breakable, weak, earthen vessels of clay. (2 Cor.4:7). All of us are vulnerable and can fall, even to our own
surprises. Our regalia and powerful positions do not insulate us from temptations,
but can only ensnare us. What can we learn from this scandal both as
individuals and as Churches and ministries? I want to lend my voice to many
who have kick-started the discussion. That is my focus in this write up.
As an individual,
- I have been having serious personal introspection. It has come clear once again to me that I have to watch my conscience to ensure I maintain a clear conscience. 1 Tim.1:19-20. As noted by Michael Brown, any one of us can lead a double life.
- I have to live transparently as much as I can because whatever I cover now cannot be covered forever. Luke 12:2-3. If you control the narrative when you are alive, what happens when you die?
- Living in secret sin and laboring in the ministry is like building on sand. It is obvious that Ravi Zacharias built a magnificent great edifice on quick sand. Everything is crumbling and collapsing. Many of the partners all over the world are severing themselves from RZIM. Some publishers have pulled his books from their shelves. There is suggestion that RZIM may consider changing the name of the ministry entirely and downsizing the workforce to barest minimum. Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA), the Denomination that ordained him has revoked his ordination. The church is suffering, the family is suffering and everyone of us is suffering and we all need prayers.
- I have to open myself up to accountability, especially to my wife who is my closest friend and partner even when it is difficult and painful.
- I don’t have to be afraid when I try to respectfully hold a loved one accountable, especially those in positions, yet watching my own heart. If I suffer as a result, that is ok.
- Don’t easily dismiss the complain of the weak against someone in a position of power.
As a church,
- For the good health of the church and the ministers, boards and councils that have oversight functions should as much as possible be composed, not by family members and friends who are emotionally attached to the minister but members whose qualifications should be their Christian maturity. You are already in a big snare if you are surrounded by men and women who cannot look you in the face and ask you difficult questions at anytime and insist that you give adequate answers.
- No assumptions, every suspicious behavior, must be queried and cleared. Why should you set up an office internet network but your own computers and devices are using a different plan? Though we have to be careful not to create an atmosphere of suspicion, the truth is that we have to be our brother's keeper.
- The Board must be active and be holding review meetings. Most Ministry Boards do not have annual meetings until there are problems. The best many do is ritualistic just to praise the man of God for the great work he is doing, without asking personal questions. Many of these great men of God are lonely and are looking for trusted relationships they can open up to. If I am not allowed to ask questions, for example, after a financial accounts presentation, then I will better resign, because the reason for my being on the board is already defeated.
- We must desist from the cult of human worship. No other man deserves our worship. Once a man is deified, he is exalted and separated to a place that is above criticism. When we do this, we ensnare both the minister and the followers, everybody is endangered; unfortunately, we do it a lot.
- Quickly repent of any sin once it is noticed. Sin, especially sexual sins thrive in the secret. If it is not exposed and confessed, you will likely do it again and again. The worst in this category are the sexual sins that do not involve the second person, I mean masturbation, pornography, and all private sexual pervasions. The reasons they are dangerous is that men around you may never notice it as you can still put-up a spiritual outlook and live in this pretense for years. They lead to the public sexual scandals and are very difficult to stop. The lid has to be opened for the pressure to be killed.
- As a minister, create time for accountability discussions with leaders who are spiritually sound. Churches, ministries, para-church groups have to insist on this and include it as part of the schedule of every leader, maybe annually or otherwise. Leaders need encouragement. They need shoulders to cry on and need others to listen as they share their personal struggles too.
Finally, God is bigger than all of us. He is bigger than our failures and weaknesses. He is not afraid of the failings of humans and those failings do not threaten Him or His work. We finish, we expire, no matter what He has used us to do, but His work continues. In a meeting a few days ago, a minister shared with us how God encouraged him to move on and run his own race and finish well when some years back he was grieving for another close pastor who had a similar sexual scandal. God told him that He has experienced human disappointments right from Adam and it grieves. But He emphasized on him minding his own race and ensuring that he finishes strong.
So beloved, run your own race, finish well. The Lord Jesus said, “…I will build my church; and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it”. Matt.16:18.
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Repentance before God or business as usual?
We thank God for bringing us into the New Year 2021. We come in, full of faith in what our God can do and full of hope in the pictures His promises paint to us. Many of us are seeking the Lord’s face to know what He will have us do. At the end of the day, it matters what we come out with as the word from the Lord. This brings us to the issue this discussion is focusing on today – the matter of false prophecies by Christians, especially when they come from respected Church leaders.
Some days ago, I watched with tears in my eyes, a video clip
that contains the several prophecies made by many church leaders in December
2019 and January 2020 concerning what year 2020 would hold. Almost all of them
were declaring like the Hananiah and other prophets in Jeremiah 28. In Jeremiah
28, while God was warning them through Prophet Jeremiah and intended them to
repent from their sins and pass through the humiliation and burden of serving
the King of Babylon, these prophets were declaring bogus peace and restoration
and telling them that there was no reason to worry. God said that their
prophecies only ended up sealing the people’s fate to be exiled from Judah
(Jer.27:14-15). Year 2020 was one of the most difficult years the world has
ever experienced, but none of these prophets saw it. They declared a year of
peace and laughter when there was none. It wasn't.
Furthermore, many Christians for one reason or another, were very interested in
what would be the outcome of the United States Presidential Election. The
election has come and gone and President Trump lost. All his efforts to get the
results overturned proved abortive. Going through the prophecies from some
prominent Christian leaders, it shows that many of them got it all wrong. They
said that God told them that Trump would win but he ended up losing. Then I
ask, who actually spoke to them? This is because, one of the marks of God’s
word is that it gets fulfilled against all odds. Many have tried giving reasons
why what they prophesied did not come to pass. But none of their reasons suffices.
Michael Brown
shared a very insightful thought here.
Yes, to all the prophets that normally give prophecies, you are either right or
wrong. “There are no middle grounds”, he said. Either God speaks to you and it
comes to pass or He does not speak to you and hence what you prophesy will
not come to pass. He suggested that at the end, there will be need for “serious
accountability, reflection and even repentance.” Already, there are two Pastors
that have led the train of apologizing to their followers for giving false
prophecies. Pastor Jeremiah Johnson had prophesied that President Trump would
win a second term election and be returned back to the White House. It didn’t
happen. He apologized
to his followers and repented
of his false prophecy, “I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying
that Donald Trump would win a second term as the President of the United States”.
He took full responsibility. Some Christians are against his repentance but it
is encouraging to read the comment
of the New Testament Scholar, Craig
Keener, “Thank you for your integrity. May many follow your model. And God
help us with those who are being so hostile”. Kris Valloton issued his
own apology and congratulated the President-elect Biden and promised to be
praying for him. He said, “I take full responsibility for being wrong. There is
no excuse for it. I think it doesn’t make me a false prophet but it does actually
create a credibility gap. A lot of people trust me… I want to say I’m sorry”.
Personally, that is a Christian character. To be a Christian
does not mean that you may not sin at any time along your journey, but it
matters what you do next when you realize you have sinned.
I believe that we need to repent in Nigeria as a church and not carry on with business as usual. We
have seen a lot of false prophecies; people gave their monies and sowed seeds without
results; expectations were crashed as many waited for some prophecies that did
not come to pass; bogus claims failed to yield results; the faith of many of
our young people are shaken as they watch with questions in their minds.
Unfortunately, even the questions of young people are not given adequate
attention and answer. We have a generation of youths that do not believe in
our God because there are credibility gaps here and there and all we do in most
cases is to keep silence.
This January 2021 as we pray, I feel very strongly that
instead of declaring things we did not hear from the throne of God, we should repent
and present the Church before the Lord for His fresh visitation. Peradventure,
He will remember us and show us mercy, especially to this our beloved country.
God bless you and Happy New Year.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Sunday, 29 November 2020
The hiddenness of God
“Behold, I go forward, but he is not there and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. Job 23:8-10. ESV.
Does what Job described above look like your current experience?
The hiddenness of God is an experience every godly saint go
through from time to time – a situation where like Job, you have a feeling that God seems absent in the midst of your earthly struggles. You feel
that God seems to be very far and has suddenly distanced Himself from you. You
look for all the exciting experiences you had before with God when you first
met Him and they seem to have all gone or not satisfying anymore. It is true
that sin separates us from God and makes God to distance Himself from us. However,
if it is because of a sinful life style, once you repent from it, God forgives
and relationship is restored. But in most of the times when we feel this way,
you look into your life to see if there is any active sin that is making God to
seem very far away but you cannot pin-point anything substantial, and yet God
seems to hide Himself from you. The truth is that the hiddenness of God is not
always caused by your sins or any bad thing you have done and you are not alone.
This crisis is possible to happen in the midst of a dragged problem
or a troubling situation you cannot explain, like in Job’s case. When tragedy
happens, we all tend to asking God why, seeking for answers. Even those that
encourage you not to ask God why, live with the question in their hearts. But not
many of us get an answer to those questions of why. The truth is that when we
are in the midst of a difficult experience, no matter how terrible it may be,
the power of that problem breaks when God speaks. We tend to handle tragedies
better with peace when we know God’s perspective. In this case, God seems
silent, saying nothing. Nobody can actually tell the number of weeks, months or
years that existed between Job 1 and Job 38, but we suspect that it was a long time.
The challenge is that within this period, there are these strange voices that
will be speaking very loudly, but they do not offer the answer that you seek. It
was not easy for Job to fight off the voices of his wife and his close friends
who, instead of helping him, exacerbated the situation and hence increased the
intensity of his desire for answers. Yes, God eventually revealed Himself and spoke
and that brought closure to Job’s questions. I pray that He speaks in your
situation today.
This situation can also occur because God is drawing you up
to a new level of relationship with Him. He may be up to something bigger than
where you are currently. He hides, as it were, and expects you to pursue Him in
a closer relationship. In the course of your earnest seeking, He teaches you
something new and takes you to a new level of experience. Attitude is developed,
patience is learned and childishness is done away with. Who does not want to
remain in that first childish experience when God seemed all around you and responded
to almost every word you uttered, even when we asked amiss? Who does not want
to remain in that responsibility-free state where everyone cared for us and we
cared for no one? The truth is that that is what happens when a new baby is
born, even spiritual babies too. Nobody wants to leave a baby to stay on its
own unattended to. But there comes a time when the baby has to grow, though
still being loved and cared for, the person is left with little or no
supervision because he or she is expected to be responsible and be able to take
decisions according to all that he or she has been taught. God trains us so
that we can manifest as sons representing Him in the affairs of this earth. You
do not need the pampering of childhood to know that God is with you and loves
you. If you continue to follow hard after Him, He will reveal Himself, His
purposes and His ways to you.
It can actually be a period of great test of faith to proof
something in your life. We often want to permanent a specific experience or
even make an idol out of a single experience. We always want to re-invent the
experience because that is what gives us the feeling that God is with us. If we
do not have the experience, we feel God is very far away and has abandoned us.
God may actually be drawing us out of ourselves, exposing the utter
hopelessness and helplessness of our strength so that we can wholly put our
trust in Him. The fact that we feel He is far does not really mean that He is
far. It may truly mean that He is essentially active in our lives. He removes the
cherished experience, breaks the arm of flesh and desires that we look up to
Him for help.
The hiddenness of God happens because of the incomprehensiveness
of God’s nature. Even though God can be known, yet no man can claim to have
comprehensively known Him. He is an eternal mystery Himself, hence, no matter
your experience with Him, you are still short of knowing Him. The revelation of
God we have in nature, in the Scriptures and ultimately in His Son is the extent that is revealed to us, and that is
enough for our salvation, but God in His essence is still bigger than what is revealed to us. We know God when we know Jesus Christ. Though
the experience of this knowledge is often sensed at the realm of emotions and
feelings, it is important to note that we walk by faith in what is revealed and
not by our wavering feelings. Good feelings are good and God sometimes grants
us those nice feelings as we experience Him. However, our lives should not be lived
based on feelings but on faith. That is why without faith, it is impossible to
please Him. He that comes to God must first of all believe and that is a prerequisite.
Faith is a prerequisite at the beginning of the journey, it is a prerequisite in
the journey and is also a prerequisite at the end of the journey. Nobody is discountenancing
the validity of your feelings but valid feelings do not mean that they
represent truth. Truth is what is revealed and what is revealed should be taken
above our feelings. In practical terms, it means that the feeling of God’s
distance does not mean that God is very far away because He is ever with us.
Heb.13:5 says “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” NIV. The truth
revealed is that God is with us, even in every difficult and painful situation.
We have to live at the level of faith in God’s written Word and not at the
level of our feelings.
Now I want to humbly note that what I share here does not
give all the answers to the issue of the hiddenness of God. For example, some
have complained and asked why the God of love should make knowing Him very difficult,
in spite of all the efforts of some people to sincerely seek Him. I have a
brother who many years ago complained to I and my wife how he was willing to
give his life to Jesus Christ but in spite of all his efforts, God seemed not
to be easy for him to find. It is a real and practical challenge of many
people. We led the brother to Christ but nothing seemed to have happened. We
continued to pray for him until after many years, God cleared the cloud in his
mind and made Himself known to him. He loves to reveal Himself to all who
sincerely seek Him.
Firstly, what this teaches me is that I should always
respond to God as he reveals Himself to me. Postponing my response is being presumptuous
as He is the only One that takes the initiative to reveal Himself. Secondly, we
have to trust His heart even when we do not understand what His hands are doing.
We trust His heart that He has good intentions and good thoughts for us and
will do what is good and right. Finally, as Henry Blackaby said in his book, Experiencing God, when you are confused in the middle of your walk with God and cannot
seem to know where He is working currently in your life, continue doing the
last thing you are sure God revealed to you and in due course, the cloud will
clear. God loves you. Remain blessed.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
The argument: A false prophecy and a false prophet
Thursday, 1 October 2020
God - The Ultimate HERO in all of our stories
"The Bible speaks very plainly about the flaws and failings of even its most heroic figures. The ultimate hero of the biblical stories, and the ultimate hero of our own stories, is not the human being in all of his or her sin but the God who works through sinful people to redeem them and accomplish his purposes." Christianity Today.
Yes, the ultimate Hero in all of our stories as saved and redeemed sinners is not the Papas and GOs, the Bishops and Archbishops, Abraham or David or Peter or Paul. I am not the ultimate hero in my story. The ultimate Hero is God Himself, the God who loved me when I wasn't thinking about Him, sent His Son to die for me, raised Him from the dead, and pursued me like a "good man" wooing the "woman" he loves for a loving relationship, not for His benefits but for my benefits; He won me, cares for me and has made abundant promises to me which has eternal implications beyond this present life. My God, You are the Ultimate HERO! Amen.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Pray for the Assemblies of God Church in Abakiliki
Please for the sisters in this story for healing both physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Also pray that the perpetrators be brought to justice and that they may be encountered by the Lord.
The Church must go back to preaching the Gospel of Jesus which transforms lives and cultures and brought the fear of God into the lives of our communities. This "gospel of health and wealth" we have embraced can only make us weaker and weaker everyday because it has no spiritual power. God bless.
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Absolute power is not meant for mortals
Yes, total and unqualified power is not meant for mortals to exercise. Absolute power is power that is independent and autonomous. It is not accountable and submits to no one. An office with absolute power makes laws for other people but lives above the laws it has made. It cannot be questioned and owes nobody any explanation. Absolute power exercises unguarded freedom without boundaries. This freedom is the reason why the occupiers speak freely and often carelessly. They can say anything, do anything and expect nothing else from those listening or watching them but to accept everything without questions. People with absolute power normally do not have good men around them. Praise singers, hypocrites and yes-men are the only ones that can hang around for a long time because they are the only ones that can be accommodated. Good men and old friends can only be accommodated at the early stages of the assumption of office, but once they settle down, they begin to drop their old friends one after the other.
The fact is that some offices, at
their creation, do not have absolute power but some demagogues and power
mongers can convert it into such by changing the laws and intimidating the people.
The power of the office can also be converted into absolute power when they are
raised above criticism, favoured and judged unlike other men and some mysteries
created around them and their positions. Through this conversion, we have
created tyrants on pulpits, thrones and other seats of power.
I dare say that God, the Creator,
never made anyone to exercise absolute power. No one, I repeat, no one is
endowed with the qualities and character to carry and discharge absolute power.
The fallen man does not have the capacity to handle absolute power. He needs a
horizontal as well as a vertical accountability in order to discharge justice
and do what is right.
Any office that has absolute
power will produce unintended monsters as its occupants. Put a saint to occupy
an office that has absolute power embedded in it, it will not turn him differently.
He may manage to resist at the beginning but give him many years to come, he
will become what others before him became – monsters. Any office, be it religious
or political, with absolute power embedded in it explicitly or implicitly, is a
killer of morality. It is a pit and a grave yard, even for the most pious.
Many that exercise absolute power
do not seem to understand what they have turned into until they leave office,
if the position has that provision and the occupants allow the transition to continue.
Then looking back, many ask themselves, “who did these despicable things? Who wrecked
these havocs?” They will see that they have left in their trail broken lives
trampled upon, dreams caged or destroyed, crying and weeping souls who could
not save themselves from their cruelty and others just crushed because they
dared to have an opposing view. There are some who unfortunately do not have the
privilege of after-office reflection. They die in the position of power and are
only left at the mercy of history.
Every office, whether political
or religious, except occupied by the spirits, must have a sort of regulations
and laws that guide the actions and or inactions of the occupants. The occupants
do not make the laws that regulate the office, they submit to the laws that
established the office.
Lord Acton’s words in 1887,
contained in the letter
he wrote to Mandell Creighton, who later became the bishop of England, are
very instructive here. Mandell was writing on “The Papacy in the Reformation
Epoch” but instead of presenting history the way it was, he tended to ignore or
defend the atrocities committed by the Roman Catholic Popes who used the “papal
courts of the Renaissance”, the inquisitions and tribunals to convict
people unjustly and tortured and burnt many at stakes. Lord Acton accused
Creighton, “you say that people in authority are not to be snubbed or sneered
at from our pinnacle of conscious rectitude. I really don’t know whether you exempt
them because of their rank, or of their success and power, or of their date… I
cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men,
with a favoured presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption
it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power
increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal
responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not
authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of
corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office
sanctifies the holder of it.” Most of the Popes exercised absolute powers
and like already mentioned, they turned out to become one of the worst
dictators in the history of Europe.
If we want to live in a decent
society, we must not fall into the fallacy that the office sanctifies the
holder of it. Because every office is occupied by fallen men, we must
create accountability structures that will help the occupiers to do what is
right. Constructive criticisms and engagements must be advocated at all times
without fear or favour. Though often bitter, but it reminds us that we are
mortals. Even when the position is religious or the occupier is pious, we must
not pretend or assume that the occupier cannot do any wrong or that the office
has sanctified him or her. If you are the person in position, do not destroy
the accountability structures you met on assumption of office. Strengthen them
instead. Accept your critics as a gift and resist the temptation of increasing
your powers, except you want the office or position to destroy your morals and
integrity. Because you are a mortal being, absolute power will also corrupt
you. Yes, absolute power is not meant for mortals. It is meant for only the Immortal
God to exercise.
Finally, we need each other to
remain the humans God wants us to be. Our hearts, as fallen men, need to be transformed
and tamed. Only the acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and continual submission
to the Holy Spirit can do this great work in your heart and mine.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Today it is Southern Kaduna, where will it be tomorrow?
What is happening in Southern Kaduna is very worrisome. I watched a syndicate session organized by Southern & Middle Belt Christian Forum and hosted by a social media television channel some days ago and the revelations are disturbing. In this twentieth Century, a people group is being attacked almost on a regular basis, women and children are killed, many are wounded, the remnant are displaced and the attackers come back to occupy the abandoned places of the victims. As one of the contributors alleged, these attackers are enabled by those in government. In fact, he claimed that the grazing reserve that the government created some years ago have been expanded with land belonging to the indigenes and Fulanis of different nationalities come to settle there and almost all the attacks come from this settlement. Islamic Emirates are created by the present State Government over a people group that is predominantly Christians and animists. He alleged that a case in point is the Adara Kingdom whose traditional ruler Dr. Maiwada Galadima was gruesomely murdered after he was kidnapped on his way going home from a meeting he had with the Governor. Though ransom was paid to the kidnappers, yet they killed him and his wife. Instead of appointing a new king for the kingdom, a new emirate has been created that will oversee the area.
Other contributors equally
alleged that it is not just that the government is supporting and enabling the attacks,
the military and security forces are accused of being complicit in the unfortunate
situation. In a situation where the State Government will declare a curfew,
every member of the community stays at home with the military manning the check
points, yet the attackers will evade all the check points, enter and attack the
sleeping communities, murder and maim for hours without any challenge, then
when they have completed their mission and gone, the military will yet again enter
these ravaged communities to arrest the youths who come out to protest the
killings. On some occasions, a contributor alleged, the military will first
enter the communities and search and confiscate and arrest those who have bows
and arrows, locally made guns and matchets in their homes and almost as they
leave, the attackers will come back to ravage the communities. Several reports
have been done on these wanton and senseless killings. The narrative presented
by the State and Federal Governments is that it is a communal clash, yet the
question is “what is the essence of government if not to resolve cases such as
this and bring peace?” If they are communal clashes, will the government stand
by and see a genocide committed under its watch? The army
brass said that it is not a genocide but “activities of criminal elements
on both sides and not ethnic cleansing as it is being claimed”. The problem
with this narrative is that it is only one side that is continually doing mass
burials as reported by CNN
However, the question actually is,
“must we wait until it degenerates to what can be categorized as ethnic
cleansing before the government stop the killings?” Who are the providers of
these weapons? Why is every section of the country complaining about the same ethno-religious
As Christians, the purpose of
this review is for us to earnestly pray for our governments and those in
authority. Also, we need to start to speak up and engage at all levels so that
security can be restored and we can “lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and
dignified in every way” (1 Tim.2:1-4 ESV). We have to start to speak out
because we do not have another life to live than the one we live now. No other time
to make impact than now. No other generation will deal with our issues than our
Today it is Southern Kaduna,
where will it be tomorrow?
"Speak up for those who
cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of
all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of
the poor and needy."
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves (2)
The Christian's response to Marie Stopes Family Planning for the unmarried sexually active women
This sounds very absurd and shows desperation on the part of this non-governmental organization to push their agenda and ensure that sex is liberalized and all the consequences of sexual acts, in this case by unmarried women, are down-played or removed. The absurdity of this campaign shows in the title of the write up itself, "Family Planning good for unmarried sexually active women". What has an unmarried woman got to do with family planning? Which family is she planning? She is single; she is not married, hence cannot plan for any family in the context of sleeping with a man. The key word is 'family'. It becomes obvious that the problem is not how to control birth or number of children but how to validate a lifestyle. Pregnancy is one of the things that can result after sex, hence when an unmarried person is engaging in sex, he/she should bear in mind that this act can result in pregnancy.
The Bible teaches us that sexual activity is to be carried out only within the confines of marriage, where there is commitment, trust and care. (1 Cor.6:18-20). Sexual activity outside of marriage is called fornication, adultery and uncleanliness. (Gal.5:19).
Any attempt to encourage sex outside of marriage or to minimize its consequences is actually ungodly and in pursuance of anti-Christ agenda who opposes God's purposes. That is what this piece of advise from Marie Stopes is set to achieve. It tells people that it does not matter what anybody thinks about it, you can continue in your illicit sexual lifestyle, as long as you can avoid unwanted pregnancies by using our Family Planning methods, everything will be fine. But that is very far from the truth. Everything will not just be fine. Never be deceived into thinking that you can violate God's laws and stipulations, live against God's purposes and at last be free from the consequences of your choices. (1 Cor.10:8).
Choosing to be sexually active while not married is choosing to live against God's commandments. It is choosing your pleasure above God's laws. It is being hedonistic which means engaging in the pursuit of pleasure at all cost even above reason. While we do not have anything against married people planning their FAMILY with the services of Marie Stopes, as servants of God, we condemn this promotion targeting unmarried women. God wants His people to be holy and His people must read in-between the lines and abhor anything that will bring defilement to their bodies and eventually disqualify them before God. Holiness still pays both for now and for eternity while immoral lifestyle has its consequences also both for now and for eternity. God bless.