Marie Stopes, through their Country Director in Nigeria, Mr Effiong Nyong, advised sexually active single women to embrace the use of Family Planning methods in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This is reported in The Nations Online. He made a case for unmarried sexually active single women to avail themselves of the opportunity of the services of their NGO to obtain both short-term and long-term Family Planning methods. As a way of explanation, to be sexually active means engaging in "sexual activities that involve penetration of the penis into the vagina or the anus". So when Mr. Effiong canvases for sexually active singe women to obtain Family Planning methods, it means women who are not married but are actively having sex outside wedlock obtaining Family Planning methods that will enable them to continue in their lifestyle without getting pregnant.
This sounds very absurd and shows desperation on the part of this non-governmental organization to push their agenda and ensure that sex is liberalized and all the consequences of sexual acts, in this case by unmarried women, are down-played or removed. The absurdity of this campaign shows in the title of the write up itself, "Family Planning good for unmarried sexually active women". What has an unmarried woman got to do with family planning? Which family is she planning? She is single; she is not married, hence cannot plan for any family in the context of sleeping with a man. The key word is 'family'. It becomes obvious that the problem is not how to control birth or number of children but how to validate a lifestyle. Pregnancy is one of the things that can result after sex, hence when an unmarried person is engaging in sex, he/she should bear in mind that this act can result in pregnancy.
The Bible teaches us that sexual activity is to be carried out only within the confines of marriage, where there is commitment, trust and care. (1 Cor.6:18-20). Sexual activity outside of marriage is called fornication, adultery and uncleanliness. (Gal.5:19).
Any attempt to encourage sex outside of marriage or to minimize its consequences is actually ungodly and in pursuance of anti-Christ agenda who opposes God's purposes. That is what this piece of advise from Marie Stopes is set to achieve. It tells people that it does not matter what anybody thinks about it, you can continue in your illicit sexual lifestyle, as long as you can avoid unwanted pregnancies by using our Family Planning methods, everything will be fine. But that is very far from the truth. Everything will not just be fine. Never be deceived into thinking that you can violate God's laws and stipulations, live against God's purposes and at last be free from the consequences of your choices. (1 Cor.10:8).
Choosing to be sexually active while not married is choosing to live against God's commandments. It is choosing your pleasure above God's laws. It is being hedonistic which means engaging in the pursuit of pleasure at all cost even above reason. While we do not have anything against married people planning their FAMILY with the services of Marie Stopes, as servants of God, we condemn this promotion targeting unmarried women. God wants His people to be holy and His people must read in-between the lines and abhor anything that will bring defilement to their bodies and eventually disqualify them before God. Holiness still pays both for now and for eternity while immoral lifestyle has its consequences also both for now and for eternity. God bless.
This blog is an attempt to gather people of like minds to study the Word of God - The Bible. We will dedicate ourselves to Research, Bible Study, Reports, Sharing Prayer Issues and Answering Questions from people from around the world. Troubled souls can equally receive counsel.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9
When we speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, we are obeying the Scriptures. Now flip it. When we refuse to speak up for those who have no voice, unknowingly to us, we spread, aid and abet injustice. I have argued many times that our emphasis and focus should not first be HOW a matter is presented or WHO presented it. Our question should always be first, WHAT is he/she saying? The other matters can be resolved later without missing the point being made. By first asking the question of WHAT, we treat the information we are receiving by their own merit and logic. We see better through the logic of the argument being presented and not through our bias and prejudices. By focusing on WHO and HOW when issues are raised, our attention is often distracted and we fail to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Decide today to speak up for the speechless, the weak, the vulnerable in any arena where you find yourself. These include: the unborn child in the womb, the persecuted, the victimized, the oppressed, somebody absent where his matter is being decided, the less privileged etc etc. God will strengthen us, help us to live above our fears and prejudices as we obey this all important instruction that helps to build a decent society where justice and righteousness flow like a stream in the streets. God bless.
Thursday, 4 June 2020
The Church on the wheels (Part 2)
• A church committed to love and the welfare of the individual members: Being very conscious of the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ to love one another, the early church practiced love. The Lord gave it as a commandment that the individual members of the church should love themselves the way God loves us. (See Jn.13:34,35; 15:17) 1 Jn.3:16 “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”. We must love to the extent of laying down our lives for the brethren.
It is with this kind of love alone that we can be united and build community. That is the only thing that can cause us to have burden when a brother/sister is in problem so that we pray for him/her. Just as the church prayed for Peter (Acts 12:5), and Jesus prayed for the church (Jn.17). Only this kind of love can make people to have genuine interest in the affairs of one another and pray for each other. Family altars will be filled with prayers for others who are in one need or the other; even without the individual knowing it. Instead of making the weakness of a person a subject for gossip, it is made a topic for prayers.
The early church practiced love and when people saw it in Antioch, they called them Christians – Christ-like (Acts 11:26). Jesus said that “by this shall all men know that Ye are my disciples” (Jn.13:35 KJV). Love is the criteria for the people of God to be seen by the world as Christ’s. We remember that the apostles knew how important mutual care is and appointed 7 deacons to handle the affairs of welfare. The love was genuine and they increased tremendously. (See Rom.12:9,11; 1 Jn.3:17-23). Love is the greatest. One of the challenges of the contemporary church is making sure that the church is not dominated by bureaucracy and organizational hierarchical politics that they forget to take good care of their members. It is a lie that if you take good care of your pastors and they live well, you have taken care of the church. Taking good care of the church institution with teeming members struggling with the basic provisions is an indictment to the so-called wealthy church. The life of the members, without any contradiction, is the life of the church.
• A church committed to holiness and right living: The apostles taught the members to abhor sin and live righteously as children of light. Because of the challenges and accusations from the Jews, especially, trying to find a loophole or an opportunity to discredit the gospel, the early church committed themselves to letting their light shine. The people saw their good works and glorified God.
The first day Peter preached, he asked them to “repent…for the remission of sins” and “save yourselves from this untoward generation” (Acts 2:38a, 40b). Later at the Solomon’s Porch, Peter urged his listeners “repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” (Acts 3:19) RSV. The church knew the real devastating nature of sin and were exhorted to avoid it. They lived for God. The teachings of the apostles emphasized the issues they majored on. Peter instructed the church, “as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct”. (1 Pet.1:15 RSV). The writer of the book of Hebrews also declared “strife for peace with all men and for holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb.12:14). Both leadership and the led all gave themselves to living up to what they claimed they believed. The life of the church was different from the life of the world and the border line was very clear. Peter even agreed that this kind of living can change a man without speaking to him. (1 Pet.3:1). Though persecuted, their righteous living was an indisputable challenge to their accusers. They prospered.
• A church obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit: Finally, we see that the church was filled with men and women who were willing to do the bidding of the Holy Spirit. They recognized that the Holy Spirit is the One in charge of His church and they listened to Him. He has to lead and teach His church. He was allowed to work unhindered. Peter broke his Jewish barrier and entered Caesarea in order to preach to Cornelius in obedience to the Holy Spirit. (Acts 10:17-20). They buried their sentiments and obeyed the Holy Ghost in their first Council in Jerusalem (Acts 15: 28-29) where they decided the fate of the Gentile Christians as concerns the Jewish dogmas. When the Holy Spirit asked them to separate Saul (Paul) and Barnabas in Acts 13, they obeyed. Paul on one occasion was forbidden to speak the word in Asia and in another occasion, he was stopped from going into Bithynia to preach the gospel (See Acts 16:6-10). He was asked to enter Macedonia. In all these circumstances Paul did not argue with God. He obeyed. Because they were obedient to the Lord of the harvest, they had abundant prosperity in the work. He showered His gifts on them and they were continually edified. They increased.
In conclusion, we have seen the 7 things the early church was committed to which made them successful. If we are to succeed in our generation and prosper as a church participating in God’s agenda, we must consider seriously these points. If we desire to get the kind of results the early church got, we ought to do what they did. It is left for us whether to be a church on the wheels or a sleeping church.
It is with this kind of love alone that we can be united and build community. That is the only thing that can cause us to have burden when a brother/sister is in problem so that we pray for him/her. Just as the church prayed for Peter (Acts 12:5), and Jesus prayed for the church (Jn.17). Only this kind of love can make people to have genuine interest in the affairs of one another and pray for each other. Family altars will be filled with prayers for others who are in one need or the other; even without the individual knowing it. Instead of making the weakness of a person a subject for gossip, it is made a topic for prayers.
The early church practiced love and when people saw it in Antioch, they called them Christians – Christ-like (Acts 11:26). Jesus said that “by this shall all men know that Ye are my disciples” (Jn.13:35 KJV). Love is the criteria for the people of God to be seen by the world as Christ’s. We remember that the apostles knew how important mutual care is and appointed 7 deacons to handle the affairs of welfare. The love was genuine and they increased tremendously. (See Rom.12:9,11; 1 Jn.3:17-23). Love is the greatest. One of the challenges of the contemporary church is making sure that the church is not dominated by bureaucracy and organizational hierarchical politics that they forget to take good care of their members. It is a lie that if you take good care of your pastors and they live well, you have taken care of the church. Taking good care of the church institution with teeming members struggling with the basic provisions is an indictment to the so-called wealthy church. The life of the members, without any contradiction, is the life of the church.
• A church committed to holiness and right living: The apostles taught the members to abhor sin and live righteously as children of light. Because of the challenges and accusations from the Jews, especially, trying to find a loophole or an opportunity to discredit the gospel, the early church committed themselves to letting their light shine. The people saw their good works and glorified God.
The first day Peter preached, he asked them to “repent…for the remission of sins” and “save yourselves from this untoward generation” (Acts 2:38a, 40b). Later at the Solomon’s Porch, Peter urged his listeners “repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” (Acts 3:19) RSV. The church knew the real devastating nature of sin and were exhorted to avoid it. They lived for God. The teachings of the apostles emphasized the issues they majored on. Peter instructed the church, “as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct”. (1 Pet.1:15 RSV). The writer of the book of Hebrews also declared “strife for peace with all men and for holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Heb.12:14). Both leadership and the led all gave themselves to living up to what they claimed they believed. The life of the church was different from the life of the world and the border line was very clear. Peter even agreed that this kind of living can change a man without speaking to him. (1 Pet.3:1). Though persecuted, their righteous living was an indisputable challenge to their accusers. They prospered.
• A church obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit: Finally, we see that the church was filled with men and women who were willing to do the bidding of the Holy Spirit. They recognized that the Holy Spirit is the One in charge of His church and they listened to Him. He has to lead and teach His church. He was allowed to work unhindered. Peter broke his Jewish barrier and entered Caesarea in order to preach to Cornelius in obedience to the Holy Spirit. (Acts 10:17-20). They buried their sentiments and obeyed the Holy Ghost in their first Council in Jerusalem (Acts 15: 28-29) where they decided the fate of the Gentile Christians as concerns the Jewish dogmas. When the Holy Spirit asked them to separate Saul (Paul) and Barnabas in Acts 13, they obeyed. Paul on one occasion was forbidden to speak the word in Asia and in another occasion, he was stopped from going into Bithynia to preach the gospel (See Acts 16:6-10). He was asked to enter Macedonia. In all these circumstances Paul did not argue with God. He obeyed. Because they were obedient to the Lord of the harvest, they had abundant prosperity in the work. He showered His gifts on them and they were continually edified. They increased.
In conclusion, we have seen the 7 things the early church was committed to which made them successful. If we are to succeed in our generation and prosper as a church participating in God’s agenda, we must consider seriously these points. If we desire to get the kind of results the early church got, we ought to do what they did. It is left for us whether to be a church on the wheels or a sleeping church.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Good Night Ravi-Ji
I came in contact with Ravi Zacharias’ work when I was doing
a research on a topic to share here at Evergreen Word of Life. As God would
have it, I was also going through a crisis in my personal life. I had so many questions
to ask but could not find anybody to ask. When I began to listen to Ravi’s
messages, like a candle wax before a burning flame, all the questions began to
melt away.
Something else happened. All the while, I knew that God did
not call me to enter the normal mold of the Christian ministries around me. I knew
that God called me into teaching and writing and to be a Christian apologist but
I didn’t know what it all entailed. Ravi Zacharias
International Ministries helped to open my eyes and sharpen this ministry
which I am doing today. I attended the Core Module Course about a year ago which
God used to further shape what He is doing in my life.
Ravi was an epitome of knowledge. He had a good command of
the English language and vocabularies. I learnt several names of scholars from him
from different areas of study – humanity, philosophy, anthropology, theology
etc. I began to study names like C.S Lewis, Malcom Muggeridge, G.K Chesterton
etc because of how he quoted from them. He was a scholar that had respect for
other scholars even when he disagreed with them. Most of his works in my study
include: The Logic of God, The Grand Weaver, Can man live without God
and Nabeel’s book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. I can’t explain how he
could quote from hymns, poems and excerpts from several works from memory even
at old age, apart from the enormous grace that was upon him. The Poem by the
Elementary School Teacher made great impact on me:
He came to
my desk with a quivering lip, the lesson was done.
“Have you a
new sheet for me, dear teacher?
I’ve spoiled
this one.”
I took his
sheet, all soiled and blotted
and gave him
a new one all unspotted.
And into his
tired heart I cried,
“Do better
now, my child.”
I went/came
to the throne with a trembling heart;
the day was
“Have you a
new day for me, dear Master?
I’ve spoiled
this one.”
He took my
day, all soiled and blotted
and gave me
a new one all unspotted.
And into my
tired heart he cried,
“Do better
now, my child.”
He taught me not to be afraid to reason and to question. From
him I learnt the reasonableness of the faith that we profess and how to be bold
to defend it before anybody no matter how hostile they may be with all
gentleness and respect. I learnt that self-protectionism is counter-productive
to Christianity. When the Christian teaching is brought out in the court of
ideas, it gives adequate answers to life’s problems in a way no other worldview can.
Ravi Zacharias was a Christian evangelist with passion for souls.
Like Billy Graham, he presented the Gospel of God’s love in a very simple and
uncomplicated manner. He was consistent. His burden for young people who are
inundated with atheistic beliefs made him to start the Refresh
Program which focuses on those entering College. He continually emphasized
on the virtue of humility as the vehicle upon which apologetics moves. Each time
he quoted 1 Peter 3:15-16, he would emphasize on the first part of verse 15 and
verse 16 which deals with our heart and our attitude. “In your hearts regard
Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who
asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness
and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are
slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” ESV. He said
that the world does not just want the Gospel that is heard, but the Gospel that
is seen, because oftentimes, our lives speak louder than our words.
Ravi, I am grateful that God brought me in contact with you and
your ministry. Thank you for the things you taught us during your lifetime. You are the inspiration behind the upcoming ministry area we are launching soon, Christian Apologetics: Difficult Questions, Adequate Answers. We
cannot but continue to do our part and to finish well as you have done. I conclude
this piece with a few stanzas from Richard Baxter’s hymn which the daughter
Sarah, said Ravi recited in January 4, 2020:
“Lord, it belongs not to my care
Whether I die or live;
To love and serve Thee is my share,
And this Thy grace must give.
If life be long, I will be glad,
That I may long obey;
If short, yet why should I be sad
To welcome endless day?
Then I shall end my sad complaints
And weary sinful days,
And join with the triumphant saints
That sing my Savior’s praise.
My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But ‘tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him.”
Good night Ravi-Ji.
“Lord, it belongs not to my care
Whether I die or live;
To love and serve Thee is my share,
And this Thy grace must give.
If life be long, I will be glad,
That I may long obey;
If short, yet why should I be sad
To welcome endless day?
Then I shall end my sad complaints
And weary sinful days,
And join with the triumphant saints
That sing my Savior’s praise.
My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But ‘tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him.”
Good night Ravi-Ji.
Re: We are all atheists by Leo Igwe
My attention is drawn to the article written by the humanist
scholar, Leo Igwe, in Sahara
Reporters of 13th May 2020 where he argued that “we are all
atheists”. This my piece is more of a response to the philosophical underpinnings
of his argument than to the issues he raised in his discourse.
First of all, I want to state clearly that I believe in people’s
right to life, freedom of conscience, expression and association because I believe
that God has endowed human beings with these inalienable rights and freewill; they
are made in His image. Every human being has essential worth, therefore, violation
of any of these rights for any reason, whether religious or otherwise, is a violation
of God’s purpose for humanity. If God allowed Adam and Eve to exercise their freewill
in the Garden of Eden, I believe it is against His plan for any man to dictate,
force or punish any man because of belief or disbelief, as the case may be. Hence,
I join to call for the release of Mubarak Bala who was arrested in connection
with posts that he made on Facebook which was alleged to have insulted the prophet
of Islam, Mohammed. Though I may disagree with his lack of sensitivity and
respect for his Muslim neighbours, he has right to life. He has right to defend
himself in a competent court of law without molestation or persecution.
Having said that, my focus is on the author’s statement, “we
are all atheists” and his line of argument that brought him to that conclusion.
It presents to be a very flawed argument. The reasons are obvious to every
thinking person that reads in-between the lines.
First, the author is influenced by his concept of God – he seems
to believe that God is a human idea that people use to fill up the gaps for
anything they do not understand, hence his coining of the word Allah-god
and Christian god in his discourse. It shows either a gross
misunderstanding of those words or the usual atheist’s irreverence towards God.
Almost in every language, there exists the consciousness of the Almighty God. Though
they may have names for several gods, they have a name reserved for the
Almighty. In Igboland where I suppose the author is from, there are many names
for different gods but one is reserved for the Creator – Chineke. Chineke
is in His own class, as it were, among the gods as the God who created the
Universe. Allah actually is the name used for the Almighty God by both Arabic Christians
and Muslims, though their connotations
may be different just like when the Igbos use the word Chi. When you
mention Chi, you can be asked a further question, which Chi? It
will help your listener to understand which you are referring to. The writer majors
his arguments on these differences in connotations and misunderstands the use
of the word God in different languages. This perhaps explains why he
mixed everything up when he gave his listings of the gods worshiped in different
cultures. So he was not only playing with words, he was also displaying that he
does not understand the relationship between the use of those words for the
gods and the word used for the Almighty God.
Secondly, atheism by its definition does not accommodate
belief in any god. By saying that we are
all atheists, he negates the common understanding of the word, atheism, as
defined by atheists themselves – “a rejection of the assertion that there
are gods”. By saying “all Muslims are atheists, even though all atheists
are not Muslims”, the author accommodates the possibility of having an
atheist who is a theist of a sort but not a Muslim. The author’s accommodation
of belief, at all, in any god shows the confusion that exists within their set
of belief or disbelief, whatever the atheist accepts. It is more of a moral
issue, where the person has chosen to believe that there is no God or to deny
the existence of God, despite all the evidences. Therefore, it is not because there
is no God that the atheist believes in atheism, but because that is the choice
he has made.
Again, the argument that “atheism entails a lack of
belief in a god or gods. Muslims believe in Allah but do not believe in other
gods like Ogun. Therefore, Muslims are also atheists” does not have logical
consistency based on the definition of the terms. It self-destructs and falls
like a pack of cards. It violates the law of rational inference in logic. You cannot
say, “I have ears. Elephants have ears, therefore I am an elephant”. That two
things have one thing in common does not mean that they have everything in
common a. Someone may be an unbeliever in Ogun or Amadioha but the
fact that he believes in the God of the Bible, for example, disqualifies him from
being an atheist. Atheism, by its definition, is not defined in relation to any
god as the author tends to portray. It is a lack of believe in gods or according
to IEP, the view that there is no God b. So, in my view, the author over-generalized
when he concluded, “we are all atheists”. The truth is that, we are not all
In conclusion, I posit that it is only in the
Judeo-Christian worldview can the virtues the author tends to promote can and indeed
have survived. God gives essential worth to every human being. You cannot violate
someone’s life because you do not like him or because you do not believe what
he believes. God has His image on every human being, hence as free moral
agents, everyone should be free to make his decisions. Yes, our decisions have consequences,
but they must be made out of freewill and not out of compulsion. I call on the
author to examine authentic and biblical Christianity with an open mind and he
will discover that the life and teachings of Christ worth believing and
following. C.S. Lewis once said “If Christianity is untrue, then no honest man
will want to believe it, however helpful it might be; if it is true, every
honest man will want to believe it, even if it gives him no help at all.” c.
Finally, in addressing my fellow Christians, we must pay
attention to what our Lord Jesus taught us. The gullibility, merchandise,
arrogance and loveless behaviours we exhibit today are strange to the Gospel of
Jesus and cannot allow us to effectively be His witnesses in this world that is
in so much need. We must go back to missions and social work. This gap in
identifying with the existential issues of our time makes the modern mind to
view Christianity as not being relevant to their day-to-day life struggles. We
built hospitals, schools, leproseums, refuge homes for the most vulnerable of the
society, rescued twins, championed the stoppage of slavery etc etc. Where are
those social actions today, especially in Africa and within the Nigerian
church? This is a food for thought. When we resemble our Lord, it will be
easier for the believer to think and the thinker to believe.
Zacharias R. (2019). The 3.4.5 Grid. Lecture at
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Academy, RZIM.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP).
Atheism. Online at
Accessed 19/05/20.
Lewis, C.S. (1970). God in the Dock: Essays on
Theology and Ethics (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Company,
1970), 108-109.
Friday, 8 May 2020
Personal Development during the Pandemic Lockdown
It is obvious that the Coronavirus is not going away soon. The world will learn to live with it for some time before the last trace clears. Everybody is adjusting and adapting. Companies are taking new decisions. Nations are developing fresh policies on how to continue to function in the midst of it and revive their battered economies to avoid a more devastating social breakdown. The truth is that the world will not remain the same. The question that bothers me is, "is the church thinking? Shall we be ready for post COVID-19 or do we think it is going to be business as usual?" Anyway, that is an issue for another day. My focus now is to stir my readers up to prepare for what is ahead.
As you are in this lockdown, what are you doing with your time? Sleep? Watch movies? Play games? Then hop to your laptop and throw out one email to convince your hierarchy that you are working hard? Day in, day out? That may be one of the worst things to do to one's self. You have to develop ways to maximize this period so that you come out of this period better prepared.
Post COVID-19 Pandemic, there will still be opportunities, but they will be available for those who prepared themselves. A greater percentage of the populace will come out the same way at the same level pursuing the available limited opportunities. But a few who added some skills to their skill set will separate themselves from the crowd and receive more attention.
There is no gainsaying that most companies have discovered the benefits of working virtual. Some that used to pay on monthly basis may resort to hourly rate basis since they have learnt that it is more profitable for them when some of their staff work from home on adhoc basis. Emphasis will be laid on value instead of time. Most union agitations will not make sense because obviously, everybody will be adjusting. Because things will pick up slowly, it means that some people may not be able to retain their current jobs. How do you prepare?
1. Enroll in Online Courses most of which are cheap and free of charge. Example: LinkedIn e-learning, Google e-learning, MS in Financial Engineering offered by WorldQuant University, Udemy Education Courses, Coursera etc. Use that Internet Data to do online courses instead of just Social Media.
2. Learn new hard skills on you own like Musical Instruments, Disc Jockey (DJ) etc using online guides.
3. Attend Webinars to horn in your skills in your profession.
4. Engineers can learn AutoCAD, Primavera P6, Project Management/Project Controls, Unanet Risk Analysis, etc.
5. Attend Training and upgrade from Occupational Safety to Technical Safety. Attend training according to your profession like Data Analysis etc
6. Pastors can enroll to obtain Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Theology or Management etc etc.
The truth is that we can all do something about our personal development now. Make that choice today, focus and you will be glad you did.
God bless you.
Monday, 6 April 2020
Ministry Redefined
This storm will be over. However, for those who sincerely
reflect, the way we do ministry may not remain the same as it recedes. For some,
it may likely leave behind it a wreckage of the materialistic and cross-less
gospels we have inundated our congregations with in recent years. For others
yet, attempts may be made to rekindle the false hopes and so called prophetic
merchandise. But most likely, many people may know better because our weaknesses
and human limitations have been exposed. All over the globe, there is a
disruption of our established systems because everything is shaken and put out
of normal order. As God’s ministers, we will all have to make fresh decisions
on how to move on post COVID-19 pandemic.
This current situation has exposed the emptiness of false
hopes in religious rituals. Denominational worship rituals, burial rituals, holy
orders, holy communion on death bed, and touching and kissing of the feet and
hand of the ‘man of God’ are all not observed anymore because of the urgency
caused by this disease outbreak. I read a
news item how a priest is at one of the Crematoriums in Madrid, Spain and
all a burial ceremony takes is barely five minutes because in the next fifteen
minutes, another Hearse will arrive with another wooden casket containing the
corpse of another dead. No lying-in state, no eulogy, no hugs and kisses because
only about a few family relatives are allowed to come around, standing at a
distance, you can stream the short ceremony for those at home to watch. The entire
process is handled by the staff of the Morgue in protective gears. Our rituals,
as good as they may be on their own, become problems when they block people’s
view from seeing Christ and putting their trust in Him. From what is going on
currently, religious worship centers are closed, there is no time for most
rituals because everybody, including those who keep the rituals, is on his own,
striving to protect himself. It is obvious that not everybody will have the
opportunity of saying goodbye to his loved ones at death, not everybody will
have a priest or pastor by his dying bed, every dead will not have a “proper
burial” as we used to practice before now. What humanity is experiencing all over the
world confirms these facts. The Information Minister recently announced that for
those that died of the disease, no corpse will be released to the families for private
burial. Everything is disrupted. Imagine where someone had placed his eternal hope
on the burial ritual that will be conducted after he is dead, and he dies in this
period. If your hope is in religious rituals and not in Christ, you have a
false hope. Those who taught people to place their hopes in these rituals may
need to think again.
The lies and helplessness of the power and control of materialistic
theology of health and wealth are glaring at us in the face, like the day light.
While money offers no hope in difficult times like these, the Gospel of Jesus
is very powerful and not only offers hope and peace for now, but also gives
hope beyond this life. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and
believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26 NIV.
Most TV preaching are so irrelevant today that even the emotions and feelings
they used to create may transform into irritations to their listeners. They do
not offer any consolations to people in this current predicament. The rate of
the spread of the disease and the statistics being reeled out are making many
hearts afraid and forcing them to think more of eternity than their
accumulations and earthly success. An atheist, a Medical Doctor recently repented
and acknowledged God in the middle of this crisis in Italy because of the
realities he is forced to face. Most people are no more thinking about what
their tithes and offerings will do for them because even the person that used
to receive the tithes and offerings may not even be available to receive them.
Everybody is in a survival mode thinking about life and existence and what
happens after. The theology some people have espoused over the years is so
irrelevant today that even they themselves are currently confused as well as
their followers and nobody knows what to tell the other.
Again, ministries and churches that are ran as an
administrative establishments and institutional organizations with little or no
emphasis on fellowship and personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ may
find it difficult these days. Many of us are so separated from our parishioners
and members that all we know or think about them is statistics and numbers. Ministry
membership is analyzed by the numbers the ushers submit to us and the amount of
money in the offering box. We have become more like astute administrators and organization
managers using our members as human resource materials to accomplish our
dreams, instead of pastors and shepherds of their souls. Members are no more
seen as souls that Christ died and shed His blood for. The current situation
has put strain on the organized establishments and those whose validity of
Christian life and ministry is based on church activities have suddenly
discovered that their faith is like onions - remove all the skins one by one
and you have nothing else left. We have been forced to close our churches and
fellowship venues and some people are empty because they never had any seed
inside of them. But the truth is that churches that are like fellowships are
better off today than churches that are ran as institutional organizations. For
the first time, some of us are forced to calm down and live by ‘faith’. Living
by faith, by the way, is not an exclusively reserved lifestyle of missionaries
and those that do independent missionary ministries, it is supposed to be our
lifestyle as Christians at all levels.
Finally, we may need to rethink the emphasis we lay on the physical
building as the ‘house or temple of God’. Many have invested so much on the
architectural building than on lives of church members. While the New Covenant
is laying emphasis on our bodies as temples of God, we often lay more emphasis
on the physical civil building as the temple of God. This emphasis equally defines
our priority on resources distribution and allocation. In Italy currently, most
churches are used as a holding point for corpses before they are buried because
of the daily number of deaths which the army, who are carrying out the burials,
are struggling to manage. As this COVID-19 pandemic reached Nigeria, churches and other
worship centers were the first places to be closed down even before bars and
night clubs were closed. We are forced to begin to look for alternatives how to
fellowship together. Many commentators have even suggested that if we have an
escalation that our big churches and conference centers should be used for
adhoc hospitals and holding centers. If the physical building then is really
the temple of God, does it mean that COVID-19 has kept us away from God’s
temple? It is good for us to have places of fellowship, but if you miss
building human lives, God’s temples and lively stones, as a leader, you have
missed everything.
The truth is that we all need to do soul searching as we
pray that this storm be over. How relevant is what I have been preaching to the
lives of my members today? Assuming my members are living in areas that are
hard hit by this COVID-19 disease, how relevant will my preaching be to them?
Will my preaching help them weather through this storm? Are their hearts at
peace in Christ due to what I taught them over the years or are they confused
with questions they cannot even ask me?
I believe that the current situation is redefining ministry,
or better put, is pointing us back to real ministry. We need to ask God to show
us what He is doing through this situation, as tragic as it is, so that we can
adjust our lives to Him.
May His healing overshadow all that are afflicted in Jesus
name. Amen.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Empty Throne
It was Nicholas Roerich who in 1922 drew a painting titled The Last King. Empty throne. It caught my attention when I saw it in Jill Carathini's write up on Creation is Groaning in Slice of Infinity this morning.
In the middle of our predicament and distress as humans on earth, especially in times of crises as we are in currently, it is easier for some people, having looked at every corner without getting any answer, they equally look at God's direction, and all they could see is an 'empty throne'. It is as if everything is out of control and humans are running helter-skelter to lift themselves from their bootstraps without any transcendental oversight. We hear the statistics and fear grips our hearts because everybody seems to be doing trial-and-error while people are dying and being buried. Nobody has an answer. Many atheists have confessed that one of the reasons they do not believe in the existence of God is because of the presence of evils like this, though Christian apologists have taken time to give explanations like the one here. Even many Christians seem to be very confused because just two months ago, many of their prophets were declaring bogus things about the year 2020 in the name of God, but none of them saw the ravage Coronavirus would do to the whole of human community. In the middle of the confusion, they look at the direction of God and what they see, as it were, is an 'empty throne'. But nothing can be farther from the truth.
Firstly, It is an unhelpful approach to try to figure out what God looks like from the middle of a broken situation. Like Henry Blackaby said in Experiencing God, "when you face difficult or confusing circumstances, they can overwhelm you. If you bury yourself in the circumstances, you will always have a distorted understanding of God". Our experiences and feelings can change and fluctuate with time, and we cannot trust them to make objective conclusions. We must make conclusions based on information from outside of us. Philip Yancey said in Where is God when it hurts, "a wise sufferer will look not inward, but outward" towards God, who is a wounded healer Himself, in times of suffering. When we look around us, buried in the current statistics and the sufferings we and others go through, most likely, we will see an 'empty throne', as if nobody is in control; even when we see someone on the throne, it will be a distorted view of God. Hence you may say, "God does not love me" God is not fair" "God has abandoned me". But these statements are not correct. They are distorted views of God taken from the midst of our troubles. It is very important that we step out of the middle of our troubles and see things that happen around us, our circumstances and situations from God's perspective. Blackaby continues, "The Holy Spirit will take the Word of God and help you understand the event from God's perspective. He will reveal to you the truth of your circumstances. Then you can adjust your life and thinking to what God is doing".
What is it that is revealed to us from the Scriptures? An empty throne? No. "For you have upheld my right and my cause; you have sat on your throne, judging righteously". Ps 9:4 NIV. The Lord Jesus is seated on the throne with His Father even as we speak. (Rev.3:21). "He that made this world, runs it". Observe what the Psalmist said in Psalm 9 quoted above: firstly, He that sits on the throne is active in his life. God has maintained his cause and he has a relationship with Him. Secondly, God judges righteously. In the midst of any situation, what He does is righteous.
Even in the current COVID-19 pandemic, God is on His throne. Nobody else is there. We are His children. He knows that we are still here and will uphold "our right and our cause". The coming weeks are critical especially for those of us living in Nigeria. But our approach should not be that of fear and panic but that of faith and hope. Observe all you are asked to do as a person living in this human community. He will do what is right no matter what your experiences may be in all of this. His love and peace make all the difference. The throne is not empty. He sits on it and is actively working in and around our lives. He has proven over generations that he can be trusted. Remain blessed.
Sunday, 5 January 2020
Is Misinterpretation and Misapplication of the Bible by "unlearned pastors" the problem of Reformation?
Having commented and completely concurred to the core response of His Lordship, Rt. Revd. Stephen Fagbemi, the Bishop of Diocese of Owo Anglican Communion, to the argument of whether Christmas is biblical or not, I want to briefly highlight an area of his response I humbly and respectfully object: “This is the problem that the Reformation has brought to us. While it is a good thing, on one hand, it has put the Bible in the hands of many unlearned folks…”
In my opinion, it is a sweeping statement that partly places the burden of misinterpretation or misapplication of the Scriptures by "unlearned folks” and “uneducated pastors” on the shoulders of Reformation. Agreed that Reformation brought about the possibility of every Dick and Harry owning a Bible, however, educating every Dick and Harry on how to use the Bible is a different thing altogether and I don’t believe that Reformers would have waited until every Dick and Harry were educated before making the possibility of their owning a Bible a reality.
It used to be that the Bible, its reading, interpretation and application, were the exclusive duties of the ordained priests. They officially read the Bible only in the official languages and told the people what to do. However, looking back, we all agree that the church entered into a ‘dark age’ and needed Reformation. Just going through the 95 Thesis statements of Rev. Fr. Martin Luther and all the issues he raised afterwards, one can easily confirm that the invocation of saints, purgatory, indulgences, relics, Mary as the mother of God and Queen of heaven and the infallibility of the Pope etc were errors that plagued the church and nobody could challenge the established church until God raised men like Luther. We would not have been better off without the Reformation.
We celebrate William Tyndale today because of his efforts to translate the Bible into English Language. Tyndale was quoted to have said to a priest, “I defy the Pope and all his laws [lawes]. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the scriptures than you do”. His dream of translation came true, though he was later condemned and executed by the religio-political establishment of the day. Are we to go back to that time when the consequence of unlicensed possession of the Bible was death penalty? Are we not supposed to work harder on raising leaders and teaching our congregations to know how to read the Bible on their own, interpret properly and correctly apply it? When does the ignorance of a Christian leader or his misjudgment of the Scripture become the problem “Reformation has brought to us” because of the wonderful privilege of having the Bible on the tables of every family? and who are the us in the statement if we look at Reformation in its historical context?
The purpose of this write-up is just to point out that the logic of His Lordship’s statement when taken to its conclusive end raises many other questions. Seeing the shocking killing of James in Acts 12 for example, can we say “this is the problem that Jesus and the Gospel have brought upon us?” The premises cannot produce the inference made. I believe that Tyndale was right. I belief that it is good that the Bible be in the hands of everybody but they should be taught how to divide it. The ministry of translating and placing the Bible in the hands of all men is a noble task that we must all be committed to.
My humble submission is that Reformation was good, it placed the Bible in the hands of every person, but teaching people to read and observe, interpret and apply correctly is the responsibility of Christian teachers to do. Reformation as a historical event is separate from education. If we see failure anywhere, it is either because there was no teacher at all or the teacher taught wrongly or the person to be taught refused to receive training, then we will be dealing with a different problem, as in the case in question, but definitely not the problem of Reformation.
Sunday, 29 December 2019
Answering Questions: Biblical imperatives. Part 3
Is the church ready to answer the questions directed to her?
In our first
post, we emphasized that questions are normal and it is very important that
our members are encouraged to ask us their questions now so that they will know
what our answers are. We concluded that whether we open up and answer the
questions directed at us now or ignore, shut down either the question or the
questioner or both, the questions will still be asked. The only bad news is
that people may get answers we will not like. In the second
post, we argued that we should not only allow questions, we should
encourage questions in the church as this will deepen the faith and convictions
of many. We equally looked at the possible reasons why we find it difficult to
encourage asking of questions. In this last and final part of the post, we will
be looking at the biblical imperatives and why it is important for the church to
provide answers to questions, and provide defense and explanations especially
to our truth claims.
In 1 Pet.3:15, we are enjoined to “always be prepared to
give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope
that you have.” NIV. This instruction presupposes that people are going to ask
us questions. Note that it says we should give an answer to “everyone”, with no
exception whether to our members as stakeholders seeking for clarifications or
to outsiders and inquirers seeking for answers or querying our actions. People
have the right to know what we are doing as a church. Remember that those who
are asking these questions are potential members of the church, as argued by St
Augustine, and for every question that we answer well by the help of the Holy
Spirit, an obstacle has been cleared on their way to meeting with Jesus at the
In Acts 2, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, many onlookers
were confused, amazed and perplexed at the same time asking “what does this
mean?” v12. In that confusion, Peter stood up to address the people saying,
“Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to
you; listen carefully to what I say.” Acts 2:14 NIV. He explained what was
happening and quoted the Scriptures to validate his claims. They asked further
questions which Peter answered and “with many other words he warned them; and
he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."
Acts 2:40-41. NIV. Three thousand people were added to the church after his
We have two obligations as a church serving her Lord before
a watching world: to be prepared to give answers to the questions we are asked and
to be prepared to offer explanations when what we are doing attracts inquiry
from those watching us. This was the disposition of the early church, not
because it was a persecuted church, but because it is supposed to be the
timeless biblical disposition of the church for all ages. It is assumed that
the church will always have its accusers and attackers, hence the instruction
to be prepared to make a defense, give an answer, clear self, plea or give an
account of and make its truth claims clearer.
Throughout the book of Acts, the apostles engaged their
members and the then world answering questions and explaining the truth claims
they were propagating. Take out time to search for the words, answered,
replied, persuade, persuaded, explain and explained and related words in the
Gospels and the book of Acts and you will be amazed at the number of times they
are used. It only shows what the Lord Jesus and the apostles committed
themselves to. The Lord Jesus was so committed to answering questions that He
even answered questions people had in their hearts. (Luke 7:40). Why is it so?
In the world of ideas and conflicting worldviews, dumb followership cannot
produce strong personal convictions or persuasions. The Lord wants us to serve
Him in reasonable ways. He does not exclude any of our faculties when He calls
us to faith. We cannot serve Him alone with our human reasoning but on the
other hand, faith is not unreasonable. They engaged their cultures, answered
questions and addressed topics both intellectually and theologically, from the
mind and heart perspectives. We are not expected to do anything less.
Now let us look at the ways we can provide answers:
- Through the words that we speak. Speaking to explain is very important as the ear is one of the major gateways to the human mind; “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Rom 10:17 NIV. Jesus answered His questioners. The apostles explained what they were teaching. We must be prepared to give answers. (1 Pet.3:15). Take careful note of what should be our disposition as we present answers.
Do not fear. V14. We should present
answers as men who are convinced of what they are saying, even in the presence
of danger.
Be prepared. V15. We should be prepared.
Theological education at all levels is very important. Every Christian is
supposed to be a theologian of a sort. We have to be grounded on Christian
doctrines, aware of the challenges within our cultures and what the issues are
and devise ways to present our message. Preparing ourselves to be able to
engage the world around us with the Gospel is worthwhile.
Do it with gentleness and respect. V15. Our
pride and arrogance hurt and drive people away even from the answers we want to
provide. When there is insult, lack of courtesy and respect, we end up being
the hinderances to the truth we are presenting. The essence of apologetics is
not to show off our intellectual prowess and eloquence but to be used by God to
humbly clear the obstacles people have that hinder them from placing their
faith in Christ. No question of faith is useless as long as it was asked by a
person. Every person has intrinsic worth.
Keep a clear conscience. V16. No
hypocrisy, no hidden agenda, no guilt in our own hearts. And
Be willing to suffer if need be. V17
- Through writing and engaging issues as they are raised in Newspapers, Social Media, Blogs and Websites. Biblical scholars, Pastors and theologians should go for training on how to blog and how to properly use the Social Media with the sole aim of engaging with the people. That is where our children are and that is where they ask most of their questions. If you use it as a place to be declaring “prophecies”, they will only be saying “Amen” but if we use it as a platform for engagement, they will talk. You will discover that most of our children are almost atheistic and only by our being available to provoking questions and providing answers can we remain relevant to and in touch with them.
- Through the kind of life we live in the midst of those asking the questions. We can provide intellectual and existential answers but they will be useless if people cannot see the difference it makes in our private lives. Ravi observes, “The message is seen before it is heard.” “I have little doubt that the single greatest obstacle to the impact of the Gospel has not been its inability to provide answers, but the failure on our part to live it out. That failure not only robs us of our peace but mars the intended light that a consistently lived life brings to the one observing our message.” Bishop Ephraim Ikeakor writes, "the greatest setback Christianity has is the abundance of eloquent and powerful preachers whose lifestyle contradicts their sermons". If we claim that the Gospel transforms, then those asking questions want to see the visible transformations in the lives of those offering it, from the leaders to the followers.
- Prayer is very important as we know that the basic problem of man is not intellectual but moral. We are inclined to rejecting the truth and walking in our own ways. The prince of this world has blinded the eyes of people in order to stop them from understanding the truth and be set free. The Holy Spirit opens the eyes of individuals to see things with spiritual perspectives. He causes them to see the answers we are presenting.
Having mentioned these above, it is important to note that behind
every question is a questioner who has a need. Our answers must be targeted at
meeting the need of the questioner who seeks for an answer. Many a times, real
needs and hurts are hidden behind questions, especially provocative ones. If
you are carried away by the provocation, you may answer the question without
answering the questioner.
When the tithe debate raged on the internet some time ago,
many people were arguing on both sides. Many pastors and church leaders came
out to defend the payment of tithes while others rained curses on those who
were challenging the practice. My pain in the whole thing is that while we were
trying to win the argument, we lost sight of the questioners behind the
questions. We were answering the questions but were not answering the
questioners. While we were addressing the questions, we were not addressing the
needs of the questioners. In fact in most cases, we addressed the questions
sitting on our high horses at the expense of the questioners behind the
questions and did not care. For example, I watched one of the General Overseers
say that “anyone who is not paying his tithe is not going to heaven, full
stop”. Another
said that God banned the wife of his fellow pastor from entering heaven because
she was not paying tithe. My pain is that when I read the comments of greater
majority of those who were complaining, you see that they were complaining
about the wealth and opulence of many pastors in the midst of a poor and hungry
majority. One of them is listed as one of the
richest clerics in the world with a net worth of $130m (£91m), yet living among
one of the poorest people on earth and doing nothing to touch their lives in
practical ways. Who is paying attention to the needs of the questioners? I kept
asking myself, is the church ready to answer the questions directed to her?
In a repressive culture, leaders make efforts to silence
those that ask questions, leaving their questions unanswered. The church is not
supposed to travel down this ignominious road. We have an obligation to provide
answers to the questions our members and inquirers are asking. This is because
we propagate the truth and truth by its nature comes out clearer as the
propagator is given more opportunity to answer more questions. One of the
reasons why religions like Islam does not give their members the freedom to ask
questions and carryout personal investigation, especially about Christianity is
because the more questions they ask and are clarified, the more they will
develop the conviction that the claims of Christianity are true.
Our members are asking questions. The world is asking us
questions. Are we ready to give answers? Are we really ready to do apologetics?
Can we see the revolution that is raging? In a few years to
come, things cannot be the same any more. Those that the systems and
institutions favour currently are busy defending them and making efforts to
continue the closed structure, without paying attention to the questions young
people are asking. If our attitude does not change, a time will come when the systems
and institutions will experience a crumbling and I pray that it will turn out
well. It may surprise you to know that most of our young people have lost all
sense of sacredness completely. Many are looking elsewhere for answers. Pastors and members are kidnapped and even
killed without any fear even inside the church. CCTV is used to monitor the
ushers that count church money because some people are not afraid to enrich
themselves with the offering proceeds. Most leaders use the security agencies
to protect themselves from the people they are supposed to be ministering to. Many
things are happening around us and people are asking questions. Are we hearing
the questions? Are we praying and providing answers?
Monday, 16 December 2019
Constitution should be amended to accommodate peculiarities of Shari’a – CJN
This title was from the Daily Trust
This CJN is showing a high level of insensitivity for making these recommendations. He is advocating the amendment of the Constitution so as to accommodate the concerns of Muslims and the Sharia Law. His reason?
"We have the number to amend the Constitution to suit our own position as Muslims"
He now recommends:
1. Academicians should champion the cause of redesigning the methods of teaching the Sharia Law.
2. Universities should give Sharia Law its own faculty.
3. Increase in the number of judges who are learned in Islamic Law.
4 Teach Sharia Law in Arabic language in Nigerian Universities and not in English.
5. Academicians to look into these matters.
Let's watch out on subtle appointments to accomplish these goals. Both himself and the President are not even making efforts to change the narrative of their accusers. People raised these issues as concerns during elections for the President and during his appointment for the CJN. All they do is to live up to the expectations of their accusers. This speaks volumes.
Please continue to pray that the purpose of God for this great nation may be realized. Pray that God will open the eyes of our Lawmakers, especially those who are Christians, so that they will oppose this no matter the allurement and coercion. Pray for the awakening of the Church in Nigeria.
God bless.
Source: Daily Trust
This CJN is showing a high level of insensitivity for making these recommendations. He is advocating the amendment of the Constitution so as to accommodate the concerns of Muslims and the Sharia Law. His reason?
"We have the number to amend the Constitution to suit our own position as Muslims"
He now recommends:
1. Academicians should champion the cause of redesigning the methods of teaching the Sharia Law.
2. Universities should give Sharia Law its own faculty.
3. Increase in the number of judges who are learned in Islamic Law.
4 Teach Sharia Law in Arabic language in Nigerian Universities and not in English.
5. Academicians to look into these matters.
Let's watch out on subtle appointments to accomplish these goals. Both himself and the President are not even making efforts to change the narrative of their accusers. People raised these issues as concerns during elections for the President and during his appointment for the CJN. All they do is to live up to the expectations of their accusers. This speaks volumes.
Please continue to pray that the purpose of God for this great nation may be realized. Pray that God will open the eyes of our Lawmakers, especially those who are Christians, so that they will oppose this no matter the allurement and coercion. Pray for the awakening of the Church in Nigeria.
God bless.
Sunday, 15 December 2019
Please pray for Christians in the Northern Nigeria
11 Christians kidnapped by Boko Haram.
Source: Premium Times
All the 11 persons kidnapped by this group this time are Christians. I pray that this will not be a strategic religious cleansing. They even claim that Leah Sharibu is still alive. The group once posted a video where someone claimed that she was murdered. Though I posted it here, my family is still constrained to keep praying for her and her family. Let us pray that the real intentions of the enemy in all these things will be frustrated. Pray that the faith of the victims will remain strong in the Lord as they pass through this terrible ordeal. Pray for their families for strength and grace.
Now pray for the Nigerian Government to do the needful to ensure these people are released and reunited to their families. May that the Lord will touch the hearts of these perpetrators and grant them encounters that will bring about changes in their lives. Pray that God may cause an awakening in the Nigerian Church, God bless.
Read the whole story here.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
The challenge of justice
"I hate, I despise your
religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies. Even though you bring me burnt
offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice
fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of
your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll
on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos 5:21-24 NIV.
We all desire justice and want to see it done. Anytime we witness evil around where
we are, what everybody will be looking to see is justice. We look to
see justice done at the gates (Amos 5:15) by man towards his fellow man or by God
towards the man He created. This happens because we are moral agents. God is
the Source of Moral Law and man being in His image is not only expected to do
justice, he himself wants to also see that justice is done. Ultimate questions of justice are
directed at God because we live with the inexplicable consciousness that the
Judge of all the earth must do what is right. (Gen.18:25). The scepter of His
kingdom is a scepter of justice. (Ps.45:6).
As God’s people, those around us expect
us to do what is right and just. God Himself commands us to do justice. Justice
has to do with fairness, impartiality, and not being even-handed toward others
in our dealings with them. Aristotle said that “justice in this sense then is
not part of virtue but virtue entire nor is the contrary injustice a part of
vice but vice entire.”2 In support of Aristotle’s argument is Dr.
Ravi Zacharias who in the context of love said that “justice is an intrinsic
part of virtue. You can judge without loving, but you cannot love without also
being just”3. This is true since God is love and he that does not
love his neighbor is a murderer (1 Jn.3:15), a noise maker (1 Cor.13:1) and
knows not God (1 Jn.4:8). Love then is ultimate virtue. We cannot claim that we love when we do not dispense justice. In other
words, we cannot claim that we are Christians when we do not do justice.
No wonder when the nation of
Israel neglected this important virtue, God lost interest in all other activities,
ceremonies and rituals of their worship life. From the passage in Amos above,
it seems God is saying, “your assemblies, your feasts, your tithes and
offerings, your songs and music are nothing to me when you do not do what is right
and just towards others. Inasmuch as the activities are important, but their value is
rated based on how you are letting justice roll on like a mighty flood and righteousness
like a never-failing stream!”.
Societies are not transformed just
because people talk much about justice. Societies change because people see and
feel justice. The impact of the church then is not going to be much in our
society just because we make the most noise and speak about justice. Our influence
and impact will be strong when our members and the outside world see and feel
that we do what is right. Ethical living is not an option for the church and
church members, it is a requirement for us all. It is good to declare
prosperity upon the people but it is not going to transform the society. Our societies
will be transformed when we do what is right and treat both ourselves and others
around us fairy and reasonably as the gospel which we preach demands. I have
argued severally in the church circles against the structure whereby the system
favors and makes a few persons at the apex free and very rich in the midst of and
at the expense of a struggling membership. God, in rebuking the leaders of Israel
of injustice, accused them of feeding on the choice and fat sheep while the
weak, the sick and the poor were neglected. (Ezek.34). In Dr. Martin Luther’s
days, the indulgence-preachers were so mean that Dr. Luther argued in his 50th
thesis “Christians should be taught that, if the pope knew the exactions of the
indulgence-preachers, he would rather the church of St. Peter were reduced to
ashes than be built with the skin, flesh, and bones of his sheep.”1 Permit
me to say that it’s like we are back to this scenario once again where
Cathedrals and Church Investments are “built with the skin, flesh and bones of the
sheep”, as it were, and the welfare of the members are not prioritized.
As goes the church, so goes the
society. The political leaders cannot do otherwise from what they see the
prophets and pastors do. At anytime there is a stark difference between what the
political leaders do and what the prophets and pastors do, the later always
rebuke the former in God’s name. But when they are doing the same thing, the
later will not have a moral justification to rebuke the former. The result is that
the society will be so filled with injustice both in the church and the outside
that God’s judgment becomes inevitable.
Note also that within our
context, justice is not just how the law is applied but also how we conform to
truth and God’s righteousness in all our dealings. As individuals, justice
should be seen in the way we relate with our spouses, neighbors, work colleagues,
and all our relationships in general, as a matter of fact. In our business
dealings and how we handle people of high and low estate, we must do to others
what we will like them do to us assuming we are the ones in their estate. Welfare
and social actions are supposed to be part and parcel of the Church concerns. When
we are privileged to be in the position to defend the defenseless, speak for
the voiceless, protect the weak and dispense equity and judgment to the vulnerable,
what do we do? Without doing justice, our profession is vain and our preaching
will be noise.
We preach the cross because that
is the place where love and justice intersected. It is the centerpiece of the gospel
of Jesus Christ. God has demonstrated that He is not only a God of justice in His
Essence but also that He does justice in practical ways. Sin was judged at the cross;
the requirements of justice were met at the cross; and love was shown at the
cross whereby we are set free. The one that accepts this sacrifice on the cross
receives a transformed heart. It is with this transformed heart that we can do
justice and bring about transformation in our society. As God’s saved people,
we have to be committed to doing justice and righteousness and not just speaking about it. Justice is not done because it is held as a belief or doctrine or
spoken of by men, it is considered done because the people who look for it see
and feel that it is done.
“He has told you,
O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice,
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Mic 6:8 ESV.
“…But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a
never-failing stream!” Amen
- Evangelical Lutheran Church, (2019). The 95 Theses, Assessed 25/11/19 ONLINE:
- Zacharias, R. (2019). The Logic of God: 52 Christian Essentials for the Heart and Mind. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan USA.
- Ditto.
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