Thursday, 1 October 2020

God - The Ultimate HERO in all of our stories

 "The Bible speaks very plainly about the flaws and failings of even its most heroic figures. The ultimate hero of the biblical stories, and the ultimate hero of our own stories, is not the human being in all of his or her sin but the God who works through sinful people to redeem them and accomplish his purposes." Christianity Today. 

Yes, the ultimate Hero in all of our stories as saved and redeemed sinners is not the Papas and GOs, the Bishops and Archbishops, Abraham or David or Peter or Paul. I am not the ultimate hero in my story. The ultimate Hero is God Himself, the God who loved me when I wasn't thinking about Him, sent His Son to die for me, raised Him from the dead, and pursued me like a "good man" wooing the "woman" he loves for a loving relationship, not for His benefits but for my benefits; He won me, cares for me and has made abundant promises to me which has eternal implications beyond this present life. My God, You are the Ultimate HERO! Amen.