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This is a book I just finished putting a final touch to it and it is up for free download. I only request that if you use it on a website, please link back to this site. If you want to print it anywhere for distribution, please write me for permission.
"Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, who came to him in the night, that he must be born a second time. The Jewish leader was confused, just as many are still confused today. He began to ask questions trying to understand the meaning of being born again after the first natural birth. What made it a very serious matter was because the Lord Jesus gave it as the only condition for both seeing and entering the kingdom of God. If you are not born a second time, you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God."
What happens when we receive the New Birth?
We are made alive
All our sins are forgiven
We have salvation and assurance of eternal life
We have Victory over our old sinful lifestyle.
Joy and peace of God
Members of God’s family
We have safety from the attacks of Satan and his followers
"There are two types of decisions – positive and negative decisions. There are no middle lines. Procrastination means that you are still in your sinful condition and not yet ready to get born again. You can either accept the new life that Jesus Christ offers to you free of charge now or you reject it. Each of the decisions has its implications and consequences. God loves you and wants you to choose life and live. We live with the choices we make in life. This choice however is for eternity and you cannot have the opportunity to change it once you die."
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